Page 27 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 27
Virtual Seminar: Committing to Sustainability
also talked through how companies can n Kyle Soo, Partnerships & Product
become B-Corp certificated. Manager, B Lab UK
n Romy Kenyon, EMEA Sustainability
There were two panel sessions: Manager, 3M
n Andrew Bryers, Head of Corporate
n Panel Session 1: The Challenges and Social Responsibility, Lyreco
Opportunities Sustainability Brings to n Russell Hodson, Group CSR Director,
the Business Supplies Sector Complete
n Panel Session 2: Achieving Net Zero n Jo Pybus, Sustainability & Public Affairs
Manager, Essity
Delegates were treated to expert n Martin Eames, Chair, BOSS
insight from a variety of speakers Environmental Forum
and panellists:
All sessions from the day have been
n Adam Huttly, Founder & Managing recorded for BOSS members to watch; our
Director, Red Inc panellists have also provided additional
n the 20th July BOSS held a Virtual n Julie Hadley, Corporate Social resources that you may want to explore.
OSeminar, in which attendees heard Responsibility Manager, Banner
from leading companies in our sector n Jay Risbridger, Founder, Green
regarding their journeys towards Net Stationery
Zero. n Jacqueline Wellhaeusser, Director
B Corporation, the non-profit network Sustainability EMEA, ACCO Brands TO WATCH THE
whose mission is to inspire and enable n Emma Kellar, Head of Sustainability, RECORDINGS AND
people to use business as a force for good, Nestlé UK&I TO ACCESS
BOSS Charity Launches Patronage Scheme
he BOSS Business Supplies Charity – Eddie “the Eagle” Edwards. The charity has also already announced
Tthe independent charity first established Chair of the charity, Martin Wilde, the date of its next annual Charity Golf
in 1925 by what later became the BOSS commented: “The role of the BOSS Charity and Spa Day as 14th June 2023.
Federation – has announced the launch is to give financial support to those who
of an individual and corporate Patronage have worked in the UK business supplies For more details about the BOSS
Scheme. industry who are in need – until they no Charity’s Individual Patrons Scheme,
All those who have a connection with longer need our help. We have launched please contact the charity’s Vice Chair,
the business supplies industry are being the Patronage Scheme in response to Kelly Hilleard, at
invited to become an Individual Patron and the extraordinarily steep cost of living
partner with the charity on a regular basis increases, which are now causing real
for only £50 per month. distress. Our discussions with businesses
In addition, 12 businesses who are and individuals over recent weeks have
amongst the charity’s strongest supporters shown that there is a real desire to support
are being recruited as Corporate Patrons. the charity’s work – and becoming a
All Patrons will receive Patron is a great way of doing just that. We
acknowledgement on the new BOSS are particularly pleased to welcome Eddie
Charity website, a quarterly newsletter, “the Eagle” Edwards - the epitome of the
and the opportunity to attend the first grit and perseverance needed by those
annual BOSS Charity Patrons’ Dinner who must pick themselves up after a “fall”
– being held at Stationers’ Hall on 16th – as the guest speaker at our inaugural
February 2023, where the guest speaker is Patrons’ Dinner”