Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 14


                  Building the best version of you
          THE BOSS LEADERS                                                                                                Personal                              Professional self                   Leaders of

                  The BOSS Leaders of the Future 2 year Roadmap
                                                                                                                                                                   Personal vs

                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Future
          OF THE FUTURE                                                                              Mindfulness        Development                      resolution       Building   Leading
                  Our Mission

          COMMITTEE ROADMAP                                                                                                                     Negotiation           successful teams
                  The LOTF Committee strive to empower
                  ambitious individuals in the business supplies
                                                                                                                                                                        and creating
                                                                                                                                                                         a culture
                  industry to become more self-aware and take
                  ownership of their career path and personal
                  growth. Through facilitating a community,                       Resilience                                                   Personal
                                                                                                                                              wellbeing                                           Mentoring
                  where peers can share ideas and insight,                                                                                                                       Key Skills
                  learn relevant and transferable skills, and                         Stakeholder                                                        Mental
            he Leaders of the Future (LOTF)   New Members                            management                                                          Health         Professionalism                          360
                  build strong networks, the committee aims
          TCommittee launched its two-      The BOSS Leaders of the Future                      Amy Remmer                                                               vs excellence        Personal         feedback
                  to support individuals in developing the o announce that
          year Roadmap at a webinar on 8th   Committee is delighted t                          Performing                                                                                      Brand
          September, which included four    two new members will be joining the team:           Account Director,
                  abilities needed both professionally and
          conferences and webinars. The                                                         VOW Wholesale
                  personally to excel within our sector while
          committee’s intention is to empower   n  Amy Remmer, Account Director, VOW
          ambitious individuals in our industry   Wholesale
                  having fun along the way!
          to become more self-aware and to take   n  Sarah Harding, Technical Marketing
          ownership of their career paths and   Manager, Victor Stationery                      Sarah Harding                                                                             Leadership Skills
          personal growth. This initiative was                                                  Technical
                  Join the LOTF Committeethe LOTF Committee on
          kickstarted at a webinar in September.   November Conference                          Marketing
           The committee will strive to build   On 24th November the Leaders of
                  their 2 year Roadmap featuring
          upon the community it has created, to   the Future Committee will be hosting          Manager, Victor
                  4 conferences and 4 webinars all
          provide a space where peers can share   a Conference from 10.30-15.30, an             Stationery                                   Personal Development
          ideas, learn relevant and transferable   exciting conference with an action
                  designed to support aspiring
          skills and build strong networks.   packed agenda which will be followed by
                                            the BOSS Awards evening at 18.15. For
                  leaders build the best version
                                            further details and to book, click here.
                  of themselves.                                                                             Self Awareness
                  KEY DATES FOR YOUR DIARY

                                                                     24th November 2022:                            March 2023:                                 November 2023:                            June 2024:
                                                                     Leaders of the Future Conference               Leaders of the Future Conference            Leaders of the Future Conference          LOTF Webinar

                                                   8th September 2022:                           February 2023:                           September 2023:                           March 2024:
                                                   How can you achieve your personal             LOTF Webinar                             LOTF Webinar                              Leaders of the Future Conference
                                                   and work objectives. Webinar

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