Page 10 - BOSS Today Issue 56
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BOSS Today      #56     ECONOMICS

              people. These are the elements that   SH:  I’ll start by saying the obvious:
              will continue to underpin our future   join your industry Federation and
              success.                           get access to expert and focused
                                                 support, as well as to a broader
          JH:   We are reviewing our financial   community that can help you
              planning tools so that we are better   via shared experience. I think we
              equipped to mitigate the influence   all have no choice but to ensure
              of external factors, ensuring      that, when necessary, inflationary
              that we respond quickly to any     increases are passed through
              changes introduced by the new      the supply chain and not simply   “join your industry
              government and staying close – and   ignored. Customers do not enjoy   Federation and get access to
              communicating clearly with – all   those conversations, but we are
              of our stakeholders and customers.   all in the same boat here and   expert and focused support,
              Our objective is always to procure   addressing these issues head-on   as well as to a broader
              value for money for educational    really is the only approach to take.   community that can help you
              institutions and other public sector   Finally, have faith in the future and
              organisations, and we will continue to   take confidence from what you   via shared experience.”
              work with our suppliers to deliver this   have already achieved through the
              in an efficient and cost-effective way.  pandemic and the last 12 months of   Steve Haworth,
                                                 economic turmoil. Nobody is better   CEO, EVO Group of Companies
          SA-B: We will be building upon the changes   placed than you to serve the needs
              we are making now and understand   of all types of local businesses, not
              whether these can be extended in a   necessarily the products that you
              medium or longer term plan, as we   were defined by historically. The
              start to understand the landscape.   services that we provide as a sector
              We have two cornerstones that we   are transferable and the need for
              live by: to remain focussed on the   them is real, so there is a good
              fundamentals and have a positive   future ahead!
              mindset for change. The focus on
              fundamentals will see us weather   JH:   Times are hard economically, so it’s
              any change and that positive       a time to look after your team and
              mindset for change will allow us   everyone in your business. Make   “You are not alone: your
              to react to and overcome what is   sure that everyone feels supported,
              unknown. These two cornerstones    first and foremost: it is only then   suppliers, customers and
              will also be underpinned by having   that employees will feel able to focus   competitors are facing
              fanatical customer service and     on their strengths and the things   the same challenges –
              appreciating that we are not alone in   that make your business unique.
              thinking about such changes.                                     so ask what they are doing.
                                            SA-B: Understand your fundamentals and   The industry is big enough
          BT:   What advice can you give dealers on   do not try to over-engineer them
              how to weather the storm over the   to adapt to change. In the eye of   for us all!”
              next 12 months?                    the storm, sometimes, the basics
                                                 will see you through, because these   Simon Allan-Brooks,
          VP:   That will vary from business to   got you to where you are today.   Managing Director, Viking UK
              business, but in general their     You are not alone: your suppliers,
              response could include: trimming   customers and competitors are
              down the product range supplied    facing the same challenges – so ask
              to customers; making the most of   what they are doing. The industry is
              digital and e-distribution systems   big enough for us all!
              to reduce costs and improve
              productivity; reconsidering and re-  Martin Wilde – the author of this article - is
              evaluating supply chains; lobbying   Managing Director of OP market research
              the government; and ensuring that   specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
              the bank managers on your side!  (

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