Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 54
P. 9

                                                                     60 SECOND INTERVIEW  BOSS Today      #54

               The Long And Winding Road

               BOSS Today talks to Graeme Chapman MBE, the recently-retired Chair of the BOSS Business Supplies

            BT:    Please can you give us a brief                             BT:    What plans do you have for this
               summary of your career in the                                     third attempt at retirement?
                                                                              GC:    I want to finish my ‘Hitch Hiking
            GC:   My career began with ACCO in                                   to the Middle East’ adventure
               1967, and me ending up as MD                                      book and try to get it published.
               19 years later. Alan Hickman                                      I’d also like to continue travelling,
               took me to Kingfield (now VOW),                                   including revisiting Masada in the
               where I held numerous directorial                                 Judean Desert where, in 1965,
               positions until I retired for the                                 I worked as an archaeologist’s
               first time after 16 years. I then                                 assistant.
               took a part time 12 month role as
               Chairman of Office Friendly, but                               BT:    You’ve clearly had a lot of
               retired for the second time after                                 adventures. Is it true that you
               seven years there!                                                once also sang with the Beatles?
                                             GC:   I became a BBSC trustee 14
            BT:    What has been the highlight of   years ago because, increasingly   GC:   In 1961 I used to take along
               your career?                     concerned by the disparity       three girls that I worked with to
                                                between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have   lunchtime sessions at the Cavern
            GC:   There are so many, but an early   nots’, I wanted to see if I could   Club in Liverpool. One day, the club
               one lives long in my memory. As   help in some small way. Many    was empty apart from about eight
               Export Director, I won the largest   people on benefits and in low paid   of us, so this local band called The
               order ever received for Accodata   jobs do not have enough money   Silver Beatles – who were yet to
               products in Saudi Arabia. It kept   to survive, so the BBSC is a real   make a record – just sat playing
               the UK factory busy for two      “safety net“. Regularly receiving   with us while we all sang along. It
               months!                          letters from beneficiaries saying   was great fun talking and singing
                                                “I genuinely do not know what    with John, Paul, George and Pete
            BT:    How did you get into fundraising   I would have done without you”   Best. Whatever became of them?
               and how much has been raised     has been very humbling but
               overall?                         rewarding, but we still need more   BT:    Tell us something else about
                                                people in our industry to be aware   yourself that few others know.
            GC:   In the mid 1980s my two young   of who we are and how we can
               sons suggested I got sponsored for   help.                     GC:   Whilst working for ACCO in the
               the Ethiopian Famine relief: this                                 Middle East, I was arrested and
               led to getting involved with BBC   BT:    You were given a Lifetime   thrown in jail as a suspected
               Children in Need, plus three other   Achievement Award at the     British spy for taking photographs
               charities, and then the creation of   recent BOSS Awards. What was   at an airport. I was eventually
               The Climb of Life (COL) in aid of   your reaction to receiving this   released after my Palestinian
               the Institute of Cancer Research.   accolade?                     translator persuaded the guards
               In all, COL has raised over £1.7m,                                that my photos showed no signs of
               which is continuing now under the   GC:   I was surprised, thrilled and   espionage. However, it was noted
               leadership of Philip Lawson.     delighted. An Award from my      in my passport and I was never
                                                peers is particularly special,   allowed back into the country!
            BT:    You recently stepped down as   and I would like to thank all
               Chair of the BBSC. What first got   those in our industry who were
               you involved?                    responsible for it.

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