Page 11 - BOSS Today Issue 54
P. 11
AWARD WINNERS “Maybe it’s because we’re not a huge
organisation that we feel it’s meaningful
if and when we win an Award. It’s great
to shout about winning anything but we
CROWNED particularly appreciate it in terms of it
being a testament to the hard work of
the team we have at JGBM. Any Award
we are nominated for, or win, is for them
and because of them.”
Stationery Supplies
he BOSS Awards recognise and for the amazing Irish team that has “The last two years have been such a
Tcelebrate those in the UK office diligently supplied the Irish trade difficult time for independent retailers,
products industry who demonstrate through the toughest of times. as we’ve all fought to keep our businesses
excellence, either individually or Personally, I was absolutely delighted. battling lockdowns and ever-changing
through the success of their team There is no greater validation that we do government guidelines. So, to be
and business, and make a positive a fantastic job here in Ireland on behalf recognised by the BOSS Federation’s
contribution to our sector. The BOSS of EVO and the Irish customers.” Independent Retailer Award 2021 is
Awards is the best known and attended completely amazing. I was so stunned
UK business supplies industry Awards CAMPAIGN OF THE YEAR when I heard them announce ‘Stationery
event and this year welcomed over 3M UK Ltd - Re-imagine the Workplace Supplies’ that I didn’t take it in until
400 guests to the Kimpton Clocktower there was an almighty roar from my
Hotel, a stunning venue steeped in “The 3M team was delighted to win the table and Mark Allan from Office Club
history, boasting Victorian architecture Campaign of the Year Award at the 2021 was pulling me to my feet. I’m so proud
and a fresh approach to hospitality in Boss Industry Awards. The ‘Reimagine The of the business I’ve built and am grateful
Manchester. Workplace’ campaign was designed to give for my fantastic staff, and for the
The BOSS Business Supplies Charity our customers a sales and marketing tool communities of Marple and Wilmslow
also ran a silent auction and a raffle, kit to engage their end users in different who support my shops and share my love
raising £12K for the Charity during the work environments. This was launched of stationery.”
evening, which is a record amount for with a webinar earlier in the year where we
recent years. shared productivity tips with delegates a
Congratulations to all our winners, live Q and A with an industry panel.”
who were as follows:
Fellowes Ltd
“When we launched our Diversity, Inclusion
“As a marketing-leading brand for office & Belonging strategy in 2021 with the
products and workspace solutions, there campaign that encouraged employees
is no finer accolade for Fellowes than to ‘bring their whole selves to work’, the
coming top of the pile in the BOSS Awards engagement levels were phenomenal…
- the industry’s flagship Awards event.” employees took ownership and
championed diversity and inclusion across
BUSINESS LEADER OF THE YEAR the business. We are exceptionally proud
Ashley Burke - EVO Ireland and honoured to have been awarded in
this category and look forward to building
“Winning the Award was fantastic on our activities this year and the years to
recognition, not just for myself but come.”