Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 54
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BOSS Today #54
pringtime brings the hope of new workforce and putting good words into workforce is itself no defence against
Slife and a fresh start, so it is an practice are numerous. direct or indirect discrimination, a
appropriate time for awareness days Many of the key benefits come from company that promotes diversity is less
and months designed to shine a light and gaining different perspectives. Greater likely to suffer from such issues in the
provide a focus on the importance of creativity and innovation, as well as first place.
diversity. better decision-making and problem There is no one-size-fits-all solution,
The month of March is designated solving, can be the tangible benefits of and change is likely to be more of a
as both Ethnic Equality month and having a broader range of perspectives. marathon than a sprint, but having
Gender Equality month, and there are Higher engagement and trust, plus strong diversity policies that are adhered
also specific awareness days. including better employee retention, are also the to is a great starting point. A revised
Zero Discrimination Day on 1 March, likely consequences of having a diverse recruitment strategy, enhanced training,
International Day for the Elimination of workforce. awareness of unconscious bias, avoiding
Racial Discrimination on 21 March (the Clearly, it makes business sense to silos, having cross-departmental working
day of the Sharpeville Massacre in South recruit from the widest possible pool of groups, having a positive approach
Africa), International Transgender Day talent. Companies need to attract the to flexible working, and encouraging
of Visibility on 31 March, and Lesbian best candidates and not just seek clones meaningful employee engagement are all
Visibility Day on 26 April. of existing employees by recruiting in possibilities in a range of measures that
their own image. Think of it in terms of may well be appropriate – and beneficial
How Is This Relevant To You a winning football team, which will not – for your company.
And Your Business? be successful if it is made up only of
While these dates can help to flag up an strikers (Paris St. Germain take note!). For advice and support in any of these
understanding of diversity and the need Allied to this, the company’s image and areas, please contact your regional HR
for inclusion, the positive benefits that reputation will be enhanced if a diverse Adviser. Contact details can be found at
emanate from encouraging a diverse workforce is realised and celebrated. If
we want the best prospective employees
to join us, we need to appreciate
that more and more individuals (and “companies must make
especially Millennials) are looking beyond money to survive and
the salary offered and increasingly
towards company reputation as they thrive, and many studies
judge their potential employer just as
much as the company assesses them. point towards the most
If you need any further convincing, profitable companies
companies must make money to survive
and thrive, and many studies point also being those that
towards the most profitable companies
also being those that embrace diversity. embrace diversity.”
Discrimination Legislation
Beyond this, a company that celebrates
diversity is less likely to fall foul of
discrimination legislation. Treating all
employees reasonably and consistently
will get you a long way in employment
law terms. Given that there is no
length of service requirement to claim
discrimination and no upper limit in
terms of compensation, the potential
business costs of losing a discrimination
claim are high. While having a diverse