Page 19 - BOSS Today Issue 54
P. 19
BOSS Today #54
as the roadmap rules allowed. They “They are positive about
are working hard to promote the shop
to combat reduced footfall by letting the future but know that
customers know how they take their they have to be realistic
safety seriously, and also by way of a
large advertising campaign, including and broaden their
a leaflet drop, advertising in local and
county publications and a presence on outlook in terms of the
social media.
ways they go to market.”
Oakleaf Stationery Ltd are based in
Alresford and have been trading for 21 “They have continued
years. They started the business as a to invest in new and
commercial stationer delivering in bulk
to companies in Alresford, Winchester, relevant products and
Basingstoke and the surrounding areas.
Oakleaf operate an essential shop in keep up to date with
the local community, offering various industry trends so that
services such as personal printing, Nationally, Sarah has worked hard
photocopying, scanning to email or in collaboration with local and national their customers always
memory stick, laminating and document media to raise awareness for high street
binding. They are also agents for retailers, and has talked on Radio 4 and have something fresh.”
transferring media to MP3/DVD/USB and 5, Times Radio, Radio Manchester, the
are a UPS Access Point for the delivery BBC and ITV news, the Metro and the
and collection of parcels. Mail on Sunday to spread the word about
Oakleaf have recently diversified by how hard the pandemic has been on
dedicating an area of the shop to offering independent retailers.
hand-made items on a ‘sale or return’ They have continued to invest in new
basis, from which they take a percentage and relevant products and keep up to
of the selling price. This has become date with industry trends so that their
extremely popular and brings a regular customers always have something fresh
stream of people into the shop, who also to purchase. They have also kept window
browse and buy stationery items. displays bright and upbeat to send a
positive message to the local community,
The future of Oakleaf depends on getting even when everything was closed.
regular footfall in order to boost revenue.
You can find them on Facebook Oakleaf
Stationery Ltd - Home | Facebook
Stationery Supplies, based in Marple, stationery_supp/
Cheshire, was founded in September
2005 when owner Sarah Laker left behind
a career in nursing to follow her dream
of owning her own stationery shop. Last While independent retailers have faced
year, mid-pandemic, she took the brave a significant brunt of the pandemic,
decision of taking on a second stationery their endurance throughout one of the
shop in Wilmslow, bringing onboard her most challenging trading periods in
daughter and making it a truly family-run living memory is a testament to their
independent business. energy, resilience, adaptability and sheer
They have tried to take advantage of determination to survive and thrive.
the trend to online shopping by increasing BOSS would like to thank all of these
their own online presence by ramping up retailers for taking the time to share their
their website to offer free local delivery, insights and wish them a successful and
followed by a ‘click and collect’ service prosperous 2022.