Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 52
P. 5

BOSS Today      #52

          Putting It All

          Back, Together

            ccording to “The State of the OP Industry   Problems At Home
          A2020-21”, the recently-published latest   While home working has its undoubted
          annual survey of the global OP industry   benefits, it also has downsides beyond
          by Martin Wilde Associates (MWA) and   its negative impact on office supplies
          OPI, the UK market for core OP shrank   demand, such as isolation and an impact
          by at least 25% in 2020. While ongoing   on mental health, as Martin Shaw,
          digitisation accounted for a small part of   MD of D3 Office Group, points out: “If
          this, what mostly impacted the market   people remain at home, they tend to go   “If people remain at home,
          in 2020 was the COVID-19 crisis and the   a bit feral. It’s also much more difficult
          move to working from home. While the   bringing new people in, and getting them   they tend to go a bit feral.”
          product categories most perceived as in   trained and assimilated into your culture
          decline in 2020 were traditional stationery   and way of working.” For Craig Baldwin,   Martin Shaw, MD of
          and cut office paper, products which   Sales Director at Commercial, one of the   D3 Office Group
          require workers to be in their offices –   biggest problems has been ensuring that
          eg business gifts, catering/breakroom   staff were looking after themselves by
          supplies and MPS – were also widely   not working themselves too hard: “The
          mentioned.                        last thing we wanted was for them to be
           If that was not bad enough, the   chained to a laptop between 8am and
          survey also showed that the shift to   6pm without a break and without getting
          home working had most benefited the   any fresh air.”
          online players, which has meant that the
          ‘traditional’ channels have now had to   Why We’re Better Together
          compete with Amazon on its home turf   Indeed, there are number of key factors
          – online – while having to swallow the   which argue strongly in favour of a return
          additional costs of home delivering smaller   to the office, at least for some part of the
          value orders.                     week:
           In short, the UK OP industry now
          urgently needs the UK to return to the

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