Page 3 - BOSS Today Issue 52
P. 3

INTRODUCTION     BOSS Today      #52




             elcome to the July/August   interview key industry players
         Wedition of BOSS Today. I   – Martin Shaw from D3 Office
         hope you have all been able to   Group and Craig Baldwin from
         make the most of the summer   Commercial – to establish
         sunshine, as restrictions   why we’re better working
         continue to ease.          together in offices, while
           As the economy continues   Sir John Timpson CBE from
         to open up, we really do hope   Timpson, a great advocate of
         to see a positive impact on   in-office collaboration also
         our industry. A major focus   shares his insights.
         for us has been lobbying    The Government’s new     Cheryl Lamont
         Government to prioritise   “Super Deduction” announced   BOSS Commercial Director
         the safe return to work for   in the latest budget can give
         office-based businesses. BOSS   businesses access to significant
         Chairman Simon Drakeford   savings on workspace
         has written to Rt Hon Michael   refurbishments and fit-outs.
         Gove MP, Chancellor of the   On page 7 we explore what this
         Duchy of Lancaster: turn to   is and who qualifies for it.
         page 10 to read the article in   We are delighted to welcome   at the Kimpton Clocktower in
         full. He outlines our industry’s   into membership: Bid Perfect,   the heart of Manchester, which
         reliance on the occupation   D3 Office Group, Office Needs,   is an amazing new venue for
         of offices, highlighting the   Deflecto, Haybrooke, PittStop   us, that is easily accessible.
         reduction in office supplies   Business Supplies, Inkrite   We will also be holding
         consumption and sales      Group and Pentland Format:   another Leaders of the Future
         volumes brought about by   on page 26 you can read a   Conference on the afternoon
         the mass migration to home   selection of their membership   of the awards, along with   “As the economy
         working throughout the     profiles and see why they   the inaugural BOSS Resellers
         pandemic.                  decided to join BOSS.     Conference.               continues to
           A number of BOSS          As live events resume, I’m   We have lots of other events   open up, we really
         members have written to    delighted to announce this   and training courses coming up
         their MPs sharing this letter   year’s annual BOSS Business   that you can view in our events   do hope to see a
         and highlighting their own   Supplies Charity Day is being   calendar on page 28.  positive impact
         concerns. Four weeks after the   held on 15th September   I would welcome any
         letter was sent to the cabinet   at Belton Woods Hotel in   feedback on these or any   on our industry. A
         office, it has been referred to   Grantham. This event will also   of our other BOSS member   major focus for us
         the department for Business,   incorporate the BOSS AGM and   services. We are always keen   has been lobbying
         Energy and Industrial Strategy   we are really looking forward   to hear from our members to
         (BEIS).                    to seeing you there.      ensure we fully understand   Government to
           Our special report on     Also, it is with great   your challenges and can   prioritise the safe
         page 4 focuses on how we can   excitement to share the news   provide access to relevant
         encourage our staff – and our   that the BOSS Awards is   and valued support and   return to work
         customers – to return to the   returning on 25th November,   services. Please don’t    for office-based
         office and hence help to revive   as another live event. The   hesitate to get in touch at    businesses.”
         office supplies demand. We   Awards ceremony will be held

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