Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 42
P. 7

NEWS      BOSS Today      #42

                                                                                           Reporting on the
                                                                                       recent events in the
                                                                                   office supplies industry



             roject Genesius’, the anti-ID fraud   ribbons, embossers and hot foil presses.  Spanish passports and identity documents
          ‘Pcampaign that the Rubber Stamp    Bolivian national Marcelo Alpire Alpire   in various stages of manufacture, as well
          Manufacturers’ Guild has been actively   admitted the manufacture and supply of   as £12,000 in cash. Officers also seized a
          supporting the Metropolitan Police with   counterfeit ID cards and passports and   variety of items used in the manufacture of
          over the last few years, has resulted in the   was jailed for over three years, while co-  fake documents, including passport covers,
          successful conviction of a prolific forger   conspirator Juan Carlos Guzman-Murillo   cutting equipment, printers and computers
          and his accomplice for running a criminal   admitted involvement in distributing the   on which thousands of photographs and
          business making and supplying false   documents and purchasing an ID card   signatures had been stored.
          passports and ID documents.       printer for Alpire Alpire and was jailed for   Assistant Director David Fairclough,
           The convictions are the first achieved   a year.                    from the CFI team, said: “Our
          as a result of legislation introduced to   The investigation began after   investigation uncovered a lucrative
          crack down on the threat of ID crime   Immigration Enforcement officers   commercial enterprise run by Alpire
          and those who enable document forgers.   recovered 18 fake passports during   Alpire, who had set up what was
          The ‘Specialist Printing Equipment and   January and February 2018 which were   effectively a passport production factory
          Materials (Offences) Act’ has made it illegal   forensically compared and in which   at his home, churning out false IDs.
          to knowingly supply printing equipment   common distinguishing features were   Anyone thinking of getting involved in
          or materials for criminal use. These items   identified. A search of Alpire Alpire’s home   similar offences should be warned that
          include identity card printers, printer   address found dozens of counterfeit   they will be caught and prosecuted.”


          Colin Cousins, current President of the RSMG, talks us through their 80th anniversary celebration Thames.

           he Rubber Stamp Manufacturers’ Guild   The remarkable surroundings of   four course dinner on the Thames.
          T(RSMG) celebrated its 80th anniversary   Stationers’ Hall kindly donated by Jeff   Overall, the RSMG directors and secretary
          in style with a tremendous annual “Out-of-  Whiteway on behalf of SPOT, was the chosen   Liz Whyte had spent over a year organising
          Town” weekend in London, which was this   venue for that evening’s Gala Dinner, where   the weekend, and the appreciative
          year re-branded as “In-the-City”.   the Guest of Honour was the Reverend   comments made by many guests showed
           Over 50 guests from the industry (some   Richard Coles who, President Cousins   that it had been a job well done.
          travelling from the USA and Europe) arrived   claimed, had played an unwitting part in his   The RSMG was started by H R Clarke in
          in the capital on the 14th September to   own involvement in the industry back in   April 1938 and then comprised of 32 member
          attend an initial meeting chaired by the   1986. Nigel Eyre then presented the Lifetime   companies. Today it exists to promote these
          Guild’s newly-elected President, Colin   Achievement Award to Andy Warmer from   products to organisations and the general
          Cousins of Stamps Direct. This included   Colop UK, who originally started his stamp   public and to offer support to its members.
          an update from the Metropolitan Police   career at Ludwigs back in 2002.
          regarding a pending prosecution under a law   Saturday was spent exploring the capital,   For more information about the RSMG, contact Liz
          recently passed with the help by the Guild.  including a tour of Buckingham Palace and a   Whyte,

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