Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 42
P. 4

BOSS Today      #42     INTRODUCTION

          TIME FLIES

          BOSS CEO Phil Lawson signs off…

            appy New Year!                  privilege and I know that a new voice will   on to sell their businesses! Our Awards
          H I’m not sure where 2018 went to, but   bring fresh perspectives, understanding   evening still lights up the calendar and
          it disappeared in the blink of an eye: “Time   and enthusiasm for our wonderful   I believe that the BOSS brand is in good
          flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana”,   industry. Most government ministers are   health - our board of Directors offers the
          as the old joke goes.             only in their roles about a year and a half   continuity that will keep it so. And the
           Talking of old jokes, this might be the   – I’ll have had twice that time to make my   symbiotic relationship with the excellent
          last time you’ll have to put up with mine.   mark!                   team at the BPIF is a real asset to our
          You may have seen us advertise for my   So, this is my last appeal to you – and   organisation: thanks to BPIF’s Charles,
          replacement as CEO of BOSS – a job that   it is a heartfelt one. Please be as generous   Peter, Dale, Darren, Dawn, Marcus, Amy,
          I can thoroughly recommend. I’ve really   in your support of the new CEO of BOSS,   Anais, Liz, Helen and the whole of the
          enjoyed being in the role and if timings   whoever they are, as you have been to me.   marketing team for putting up with me!
          work out with whoever replaces me, I   I am so grateful for the warm reception I   We have a wonderful industry. It is
          should have been about three years in the   have received wherever I have gone and   friendly, warm, and made up almost
          position.                         the support I have had has been fantastic.   entirely of really nice people. Yes, it
           “If you enjoyed it so much, then why are   I’ll be delighted to see the continuation of   is highly competitive, but that hasn’t
          you leaving?” I hear you ask…     some of the initiatives started: our Leaders   eliminated the friendly co-operative
           Without going into great detail, my wife   of the Future group goes from strength   sharing of ideas and the strong sense that
          and I would like to spend some more time   to strength; the Scholarship scheme is   we all want to do better together – “as
          with our ageing parents. We have lived   under way; our industry induction training   long as I do better than you!”
          6,000 miles apart from my parents     launches in the spring; our single use   I’ve spent over 30 years in office
          for the last 33 years. My mum          plastic packaging special interest   supplies. I never thought when I was
          was very ill last year and                group is really engaged (thanks   at school and university that I would
          nearly died after spending                  to all those who suggested   end up, as my one of my favourite role
          13 months in intensive                      that initiative and made it   models Jonathan Straker used to say, as
          care and I felt awful                        happen); our Manufacturers’   “a paperclip salesman”. I’m proud of that,
          that I couldn’t spend                       Forums, Synergy data group,   though, and it has given me a great living…
          more time with her. Now                     regional committees and   and one of the best jobs in the world. The
          that she is better, I can                    Charity are more active than   next person who takes on this role will love
          now put that right and we                   I can remember them ever   it too.
          can enjoy some quality time                 being before. My only regret   So why not spread the word of why it is
          in each other’s company.                    is that I haven’t managed to   so good to be a BOSS member? You can
           I also think that it is good              get more Resellers’ Forums in   help to keep us growing and being even
          to ring the changes in my                  place, partly because many   more relevant in the years to come. And I
          particular job. Being a                          of the resellers that   hope that we can keep in touch. Adios!
          spokesperson for                                     I brought in to
          the trade is                                           membership    Phil Lawson, BOSS CHIEF EXECUTIVE
          a great                                                  have gone

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