Page 19 - BOSS Today Issue 21
P. 19

Invest In People, Too         Certainly, both the dealers   companies, because the initial
       Indeed, the successful      interviewed appreciated    returns on investments are
       implementation of an MPS    the benefits of having this   usually very clear. If a company
       offering requires not just   ‘locked in’ income stream,   has less than 20 office workers
       investment in technology    but they were also quick to   they would be more likely to
       and systems, but also in the   point out other less obvious   buy printers and cartridges
       training and development of   gains. As Tindale sees it, any   traditionally because there
       staff, as Rumble notes: “It’s not   dealer doing a print audit and   often isn’t a return on
       just about having accredited   supplying a customer with two   investment case with the   “Someone will
       hardware service technicians,   new machines and taking on   print volumes involved that
       it’s about having people    the rest of their equipment   would make an MPS mutually    eventually
       that really do understand   would be immediately tied   beneficial.”
       the integration with IT and   in to getting the rest of that   Nevertheless, it is widely   offer MPS to a
       business processes and can   equipment. Whereas if the   agreed that the potential   customer, so it’s
       work with software products   dealer had approached the   for growth remains strong
       and network integration. We   customer in the traditional   for MPS: while it may be a   better to offer
       have to have Professional   way, they would have to wait   ‘drop in the ocean’ for many
       Services people trained as   for the lease to expire or would   dealers currently (for Walters   it yourself!”
       Microsoft engineers and     have to offer the customer   Ltd it is still less than 5% of
       who are Advanced Solutions   some attractive deal to get   turnover), both the dealers are   Adrian Rumble
       accredited with Canon and   them to upgrade immediately.  expecting at least 10% year
       other software OEMs so        For Rumble, MPS also     on year growth, while some
       they are able to deal with   has the benefit of lowering   other companies are reporting
       the complete printing and   servicing and print costs:   annual increases of as much as
       document environment.”      “We also manage the devices   20-25%.
        It is partly because they   remotely, so we can do a lot   However, as Rumble
       have the resources available to   of preventative maintenance   explains, this growth can cause
       meet these needs that dealer   without the customer even   problems within any business
       groups tend to report that it is   knowing that it’s going to   that is also committed to
       their larger members who are   happen, which means that   selling consumables the
       most likely to be offering MPS   the first time fix rates are a lot   traditional way: “We have some
       at present.                 better. That means we don’t   internal discussions there
                                   have to return to fix, and we   because our office supplies   “Those people
       The Rewards                 can keep our cost per print   teams are actively selling   who are going
       As Lee Mockett, head of     competitive.”              some toners and cartridges,
       managed print services at                              while our technology division         out and
       Brother UK, points out, the   Into The Dealer          is telling customers to do
       benefits of MPS far outweigh   Heartland               away with that and go to a    offering MPS
       any difficulties in getting   Industry convention has it   print solution where they will   across a range
       started: “Resellers can use this   that the benefits of MPS will   be charged cost per print or
       service-led approach in their   increasingly be required by the   copy!”           of ten brands?
       favour, to support a more   mid-market SME sector – the   However, as he also points
       value-based relationship    very heartland of the OP dealer   out, while there are challenges,   Well, their
       with customers. They can    channel. However, Tindale’s   it is worth remembering that    engineers
       establish a level of trust and   belief is that it is still most   someone will eventually offer
       understanding in supporting   suited to larger companies   MPS to a customer, so it’s   surely cannot
       customers’ long-term aims for   with over 100 employees,   better to offer it yourself!
       their business requirements,   and Rumble maintains that                         be any good at
       now and in the future. In   it is primarily a question of   Martin Wilde is Managing   being experts in
       addition, MPS provides future   the customers’ sector and   Director of OP market
       contracted income in what   financial capability: “We have   research specialists Martin   all of them...!”
       is currently a tough business   a full range of customers: it’s   Wilde Associates Ltd (www.
       environment.”               more relevant in the larger    Vince Tindale

                                                                                          February/March 2014 | BOSS TODAY  19

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