Page 28 - BOSS Today Issue 15
P. 28

Special report

       Continued from page 25...  willing to pay more for added   SMEs, to bypass the traditional   shredders, pours cold water on
                                  security features such as the   office product dealer market   any notion of shredders losing
       right shredder for their needs.  ‘cross-cut’ capability,” says David   and buy from the retail channel   their appeal within the office
         There are several factors   Macphee, Account Executive for   instead. “The average price for a   supply channel.
       consumers need to consider,   Office and Stationery at GfK.  DIN security level 3 shredder in   HSM only supplies through
       such as where the shredder   The trouble is, GfK’s data   retail is less than half the price in   the office dealer channel. “There
       will be used, how many people   suggests it may not be office   the business channel this year at   may have been a drop off in
       will use it and what will be   dealers who are necessarily   £30,” he says.       volume machinery,” he says,
       shredded – key questions all   benefiting most from this trend.                   “perhaps because there are now
       sales people should be asking   The agency states that total   Expansion          too many machines that look
       their customers.           volume sales of shredders have   He adds that retailers have   very similar, crowding out the
                                  fallen by 29 per cent since the   capitalised on this trend by   market. But the higher end is
       Paying off                 recession started in 2008. But it   expanding their ranges to   holding its own.”
       The emphasis on the many   also states that volumes have   include more sophisticated   In which case, a campaign
       more sophisticated operations   fallen much more steeply in the   models. Those level 3 shredders,   reminding buyers on why they
       those at the higher end of the   business channel, which has seen   he says, have grown their   need a more sophisticated
       range can perform seems to   a 38.6 per cent drop, than in the   market share in volume terms   shredder, and how you get
       be paying off. The latest GfK   retail channel, where volumes   in the retail channel by 7.6 per   what you pay for, is only too
       data suggests that, where once   have dropped 26.6 per cent.  cent this year, although they   timely.
       they may have dominated the   Macphee attributes this   have also risen sharply in price.
       market, ‘straight-cut’ models now   difference in part to the squeeze   However Mark Taylor,   ■ FOR MORE INFORMATION
       account for less than 20 per cent   being felt on business budgets,   Commercial Director at HSM UK,   VISIT,
       of total shredders bought. “This   which, he says, has led some   the UK subsidiary of a German,,
       demonstrates that customers are   business customers, particularly   manufacturer of high end

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       28  BOSS TODAY | December 2012/January 2013

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