Page 25 - BOSS Today Issue 15
P. 25

merits, a renewed emphasis on   focused on four simple steps   As advice included making
                                  getting businesses to be more   companies could take to   sure that employees who work
                                  aware of the dangers in not   prevent ID fraud – steps which   from home are also diligent in
                                  destroying documents may have   amount to much more than   destroying sensitive documents,
                                  come just at the right time.    buying shredders.      there was much to go at from a
                                  A survey commissioned by office                        sales point of view for Fellowes.
                                  products manufacturer Fellowes   Consumers were advised to:  UK Trade Marketing Manager
                                  earlier this summer suggested   ✱  Watch for anyone asking for    Tania Cheesmond says the
                                  that the UK is the most        personal information online,    campaign “certainly managed
                                  vulnerable European country in      by letter or by phone  to attract a lot of publicity, with
                                  relation to identity fraud. In the   ✱  Alert their bank to any     a special appearance on BBC
                                  survey, nearly one in four – or      problems with bank or   Breakfast and Daybreak featuring
                                  24 per cent – of UK respondents      credit cards      former Holby City and Hollyoaks
                                  said they had been touched by   ✱  Shred all documents   actor Jeremy Edwards (who was
                                  identity fraud, compared with a      containing personal or     himself a victim of identity fraud).
                                  European average of just 17 per      sensitive information with a    “Although the campaign
                                  cent. It is worth considering here     cross-cut shredder before    itself ran during the month of
                                  that the definition of Europe      throwing it away    October, sales activity continues
                                  in this case includes countries   ✱  Protect their post against    to grow among the company’s
                                  such as Russia, where you might      redirection and theft by     office products suppliers on the
                                  have thought identity fraud and      reporting unusual delivery    back of the campaign,” she says.
                                  similar corruption would be      delays                  “We are continuing our
                                  much more prevalent.                                   shredder marketing activity
                                                                                         focusing on this key security
             “there has           Campaign                                               message for the rest of this
         been a huge              The research was conducted in                          quarter,” she says. “We can
                                                                                         support our dealers with our
                                  association with the National
         expansion in             Identity Fraud Prevention                              consumer messaging, providing
                                                                                         them with a number of tools.”
                                  Campaign, which took place in
                                                                                           The company can also provide
           the types of           October and is now in its eighth                       a simple guide in how to sell
                                  year. “Don’t let it be you” was
          data stored,            the message for the campaign                           shredders, which is aimed at
                                                                                         helping customers reach a
                                  which addressed the issue of
           and the old            ID fraud and was backed by                             sensible decision about what
                                                                                         shredders to use based not
           system was             fraud reporting centre Action                          just on what security level they
                                  Fraud, UK fraud prevention
               no longer          service CIFAS, Equifax , Norton                        need to aim for but also how
                                                                                         often they are likely to use the
                                  by Symantec, Get Safe Online as
               suitable.”         well as Fellowes.           HSM’s Securio C18 shredder is   machines. It is important to
                                                                                         ensure that consumers have the
                                    The campaign this time
                                                              designed for a home office.
                                                                                         Continued on page 28...

                                                                                     December 2012/January 2013 | BOSS TODAY  25

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