Page 8 - BOSS Today Issue 14
P. 8

Special report Environment

 Claiming The

 high ground

 Let Jane Henderson steer you through the sometimes bewildering

 world of environmental claims

 laims, claims, and more   European Energy label.  marketing and advertising   same purpose. all government
 Cclaims. We live in an age   The EU Ecolabel Scheme   materials. To complement the   procurement has minimum
 of claims, it seems – particularly   is voluntary, growing year by   guidance, a summary ‘quick   environmental standards for
 environmental ones. But   year and is designed to help   guide’ gives a brief overview   certain types of product.
 that’s not surprising really.   consumers identify products   of the key aspects of a good   So claim away – it’s clearly
 Environmental or “green” claims   with the lowest environmental   environmental claim. DEFra’s   the thing to do. But if you are
 and labels can help purchasers   impact. Products with this   A Shopper’s Guide to Green   making claims that are self-
 make informed buying decisions   Ecolabel must be independently   Labels is a useful publication for   declared, to avoid potential
 by giving information about   assessed and verified against   consumers, explaining the more   legal action you should make
 the environmental impact of   predetermined specifications   common environmental labels   sure such claims are relevant,
 products, either on the product   before it can be awarded.  on products.  truthful, accurate, are written
 itself or in marketing materials   The mandatory European   in plain language and can
 such as catalogues. By providing   Energy label is rather different.   Legislation  be substantiated. You should
 credible information, businesses   It is something that requires   It is also comforting to know   consider too the environmental
 not only get to enhance their   producers of white goods such   that many of these claims are   impact of the product
 credentials and demonstrate   as fridges, washing machines,   backed up by legislation. The   throughout the phases of its life
 that they are acting responsibly.   ovens and lamps to show   Consumer Protection from   cycle – not just its manufacture,
 Given that purchasing is one   information that helps the   Unfair Trading regulations of   but also its distribution, in-use
 of the most significant things   purchaser compare energy   2008 require all information   phase and end-of-life disposal.
 any organisation does, they   efficiency between products. It’s   given to consumers to be fair,
 can also help the UK as a whole   not something manufacturers   honest and not misleading.   Credible
 to reduce its environmental   can opt out of.  DEFra has no enforcement   The best way, in fact, to
 impact.  If you are confused by all   role in relation to misleading   make such self-declared
 these labels, however, help is    claims and labels (except for   environmental claims more      “To avoid
 Honesty  at hand. For some years,    labelling schemes for which   credible is to take a look at
 But it’s not always as plain sailing   DEFra has published guidance   it is responsible, such as the   the guidance contained in   legal action,
 as that. For environmental claims   on making product claims.   European Ecolabel), but the   the international standard ISO   make sure
 and labels to succeed, they must   The government department   Department for Business,   14021:2001. Happy reading.
 be honest, clearly understood   recently updated its publication   Innovation and Skills (BIS) does.  claims are
 and genuinely reflect a benefit   Green Claims Guidance,    alongside claims, of course,   Jane Henderson is an
 to the environment.  available on its website,    there are also environmental   environmental consultant with a   relevant, truthful,
 In addition to self-declared It provides   performance criteria that   wide experience of environmental
 claims, there are a number of   advice to businesses  about   are included in many public   product stewardship and   accurate, and are
 voluntary labelling schemes as   how to make clear, accurate,   procurement specifications.   associated ecolabelling schemes.
 well as mandatory ones which   relevant and substantiated   These are similar to those used in   written in plain
 are well established such as   environmental claims on   standard labelling schemes, even   n For more details visit    language.”
 the European Ecolabel and the   products, services or in   if they don’t serve exactly the

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