Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 14
P. 4
Back for
a great
What with all the events on the national scene
this summer, I still hope you have all managed
to have a break somewhere. We all need a break
in these uncertain times.
ut with this issue it’s very much a unveiled on the night. I am sure you will agree
Bcase of getting back to work for what that the price of a ticket to the event will be
promises to be a very interesting autumn. I well worth it to see who’s won. No wonder
am particularly looking forward to the BOSS they are selling fast.
Awards this year, not least because I have But you can expect to have more
seen the high standard of entries coming in interaction with us outside the awards
and I would like to thank everyone personally as well. We will be launching the BOSS
for taking the trouble to enter and the judges Outlook Survey later this autumn, and so
for their time in choosing the shortlist. will be looking for you to help us gain a true
The event is already the industry event of picture of the state of the industry at the
the year, but I think this year’s event looks set moment. And, in response to requests from
to be extra special. We have a new venue – our members, we will also be launching the
the Grange Tower Bridge Hotel London – and BOSS Salary Survey, to provide a comparison
a new theme, which promises to outdo even for every role from senior director to junior
the spectacular Moulin Rouge theme we packer. While we will be contacting you all
had last year, which I know a lot of you were individually about both of these projects,
amazed by and are still talking about. information about them will also be available
Most of all, we have a new Brand of the on our website,
Year award this year that I think will soon I urge you to keep taking a look at the site,
become the most coveted award within as it has become a mine of useful information
the industry. It’s split into four categories, so about upcoming events in the industry,
everyone can get a chance to win and we policy news, and much, much more.
can show the world what fantastic brands As ever, do let me know what you think
we have in our industry. There is Brand of the by sending me an email. n
Year in Traditional Office Products, Facilities
Management, Furniture, and Technology Michael Gardner
including EOS. BOSS CEO
All of these and many other winners will be
4 BOSS TODAY | September/October 2012