Page 10 - BOSS Today Issue 14
P. 10

Special report Environment

 An Across the boArd                                          is really about minimising the   It says such a process necessarily
 winner                                                       Resources                  costs. And environmental
                                                              amount of stock the company
                                                                                         improves its efficiency – not
                                                                                         to mention its property rental
                                                              has to carry.
                                                                                         awareness doesn’t stop at its
                                                              Still, Richardson says in today’s
                                                                                         factory gate either: Esselte
                                                              climate of dwindling natural
                                                                                         audits all its suppliers in the Far
                                                              resources – not just raw
                                                                                         with its own standards. Action
                                                              materials, but water and energy   East to make sure they comply
 Esselte’s company-wide view on improving environmental       as well – it is easy to turn your   plans have been put in place for
                                                              focus on improving efficiency
                                                                                         those suppliers who have not
 performance has made it a benchmark for companies            into a focus on reducing your   conformed.
                                                                                           The company is now not
 hoping to win a BOSS Award this year                         environmental impact as well.   just FSC accredited – a must for
                                                              In fact, adhering to Kaizen and
                                                              lean manufacturing policies is   all environmentally conscious
                                                              now fundamental to Esselte’s   companies in the UK – but has
                                                              sustainability strategy, as it   also won accreditation from
                                                              helps promote the idea of   the Blue Angel, the German
         the esselte team picking                             reducing waste throughout the   equivalent.
         up their award at last
         year’s boss awards                                   organisation.                Richardson says winning
                                                                That strategy has helped the   the BOSS Award has given the
                                                              company gain ISO 140001 for   company added credibility.
            ost office product      David Richardson, Esselte’s   all of its factories around the   That is an added bonus for its
       Mmanufacturers of today    country manager for the UK and   world, including 11 in Europe.   dealers, many of whom are
       will be more than happy to   Ireland, says the process began   The certification involves having   pitching to supply Government
       assure you of their “green”   some years ago when Esselte   to keep stringent records on   departments who stipulate that
       credentials, but scratch beneath   introduced Kaizen management   each facility’s environmental   the products they buy must be
       the surface and often you will   philosophy onto the factory floor.   performance, not just on carbon   environmentally friendly.
       find that this amounts to little   Initially developed over 70 years   emissions but also on things like   Richardson concedes that in
       more than bringing out an   ago in Japan, Kaizen involves   water use. It has certainly been   some of the product categories
       environmentally friendly range of   looking at every single process   making progress: last year the   that the company operates in
       products in the hope of jumping   within your manufacturing   company’s carbon emissions   – paper products, for example
       on the “green” bandwagon, while   system, no matter how small,   level was 164kg per tonne, 25   – there are competitors doing
       much of the rest of production   to make sure it is being carried   per cent down on what it was   similar things.
       stays firmly in its old carbon   out in the most efficient way.   in 2005. In the same year it also   But it was the fact that
       emitting ways.             Even something as seemingly   used 21 million litres of water less   environmental performance had
         Esselte has not behaved like   trivial as the distance a factory   than it used in 2005, a reduction   been assessed across the whole
       that, which is one of the reasons   operative’s hand needs to travel   of 36 per cent.  company and its entire product
       why it won the Environment   to turn a machine on would be   Esselte’s waste reduction   range – and the fact that the
       Awards for Manufacturers at   considered.              figures were equally impressive:   company sets goals to measure
       the BOSS Awards last year. The   “With Toyota in Japan Kaizen   the amount of waste its factories   its performance every year - that
       multinational manufacturer   has led to a system where if you   recycled climbed from 92.9 per   really impressed the judges last
       operates across eight different   order a new Toyota, it is custom-  cent in 2005 to 97.6 per cent   year, and made Esselte a worthy
       product categories and has   built at the factory for you and   last year. That’s the equivalent of   winner. This year’s winner will
       6,000 different stock keeping   you get your new car within   saving 4,200 fully loaded garbage   have a lot to live up to.
       units (SKUs) within its product   11 days, or else Toyota is duty   trucks.
       line-up. Its focus on making every   bound to offer you a 10 per cent   But the push to reduce impact   n For help on how
       one of those products worthy   discount,” says Richardson.  goes into areas you might not   lean can support
       of the “environmentally friendly”   Esselte is by no means the   expect as well. Having worked   your business and
       tag really sets something of a   only UK company to have taken   out that the smaller the area of   environmental
       benchmark for other companies   on Kaizen thinking, and it wasn’t   factory or office building, the   credentials please call
       who might be hoping to win   initially developed with the   less energy and lighting used,   helen dunn on
       the category at this year’s BOSS   environment in mind: Toyota’s   the company has slowly been   020 7915 8320 or email
       Awards – or in the future.  car selling solution, for example,   reducing its physical space too.

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