Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 14
P. 14

Special report Binders and laminators

            he story of binders and
            laminators is very much   Binders have in the past been
       ta story of two sides.      a key part of any UK office
       On the one side, according to
       those in the market, you have a
       product that has been increasing
       in popularity year on year, and
       looks set to stay popular enough
       to withstand whatever changes
       may happen in modern office
       culture. On the other side
       you have a once proud office
       product that has declined in
       popularity and usefulness,
       although it may still have a role
       in niche corners of the market.
         As to which is which, the                                                                                                                                                 DUPLO
       answer may surprise you. The
       laminator is the product that
       everybody agrees is really going
       places. The latest research from
       the GfK consultancy reveals that
       sales values of laminators in
       the UK were up 0.7 per cent in
       the first six months of this year
       compared with the same period
       last year, despite the ongoing
       recession and despite a more
       dramatic 6.8 per cent drop in
       sales volumes.
         Hugh Darcy, vice president for
       global marketing for binders and
       laminators at multinational office
       products manufacturer Fellowes,   was essential. And 75 per cent   isn’t so sure about the impact   models by labelling them
       thinks even this might be too   say they use one on a daily or   of cold sealing – an innovation   specifically as heavy duty, for
       cautious a picture. “The laminator   weekly basis.”    introduced from America which   light use, and so on,” he says. “But
       market is in growth. We are in                         he claims has not proved as   auto-lamination is the current
       growth in both Germany and UK,  Multifunctional        popular in Europe because the   big thing.”
       although we may have stalled   GFK suggests that the rise in   seal produced can be easily   Indeed it is. Leitz’s relatively
       in Spain and Italy for obvious   the value of the market – and   broken and is not waterproof.   new iLAM Easy range offers
       reasons,” he says.         the increasing discrepancy   “We don’t even sell cold seal in   much the same technology.
         What’s more the company   between value and volume - is   Europe any more,” he says, “and   On the wider scale, Darcy
       has just completed market   down to producers bringing   we are the market leader.”  says laminators have in fact
       research of 1,800 customers, in   more multifunctional machines   But he agrees that innovation   been increasing in popularity
       the UK, France, and Germany,   on to the market which have   in technology is certainly   for the past two decades, ever
       which suggests that, far from   a higher average sale price   helping to keep the value   since they made the crossover
       being a product that is only   (ASP) – particularly machines   in the market up. The latest   from what was originally a
       brought out for special events   which can do both hot and cold   innovation he thinks is auto-  product mainly for print finishing
       (such as making badges) and   sealing. “In the business channel   lamination – machines which   companies and first started
       is then stowed away at the   hot and cold laminators hold a   can automatically adjust their   appearing within office supply
       back of the office cupboard,   higher ASP of £112 compared   speed to allow for different   catalogues in the early 1990s.
       the laminator has an important   to the hot seal of £48,” says Sarah   thicknesses of paper and pouch.   He admits that the market
       place on the desks of today. “Our   Wheeler, an account manager on   Such machines, he says, have   went through something of a
       research shows that 66 per cent   the office and stationery panel   overcome difficulties many   crisis some eight years ago when
       of our 1,800 respondents regard   at GfK.              users had in understanding   more and more customers found
       laminators as an ‘essential’ office   Esselte UK includes a cold   exactly how they were to make   their machines were jamming
       tool,” he says. “I thought it would   seal laminator within its range   such adjustments themselves.   too often – a problem he puts
       actually be the Post-It note that   in the UK, but at Fellowes Darcy   “We make it easier to sell these   down to too much reliance on

       18  BOSS TODAY | September/October 2012                                                                                                                                                                      July/August 2012 | BOSS TODAY  19
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