Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 57
P. 17
BOSS Today #57
BT: What do you think will be the and home businesses. This is an DA: There are always opportunities if
biggest challenges that businesses audience that we can absolutely we are good listeners and get the
in our sector will face in 2023? cater to (and we have successfully basics right. Being proactive will
Are there any opportunities that done that in previous years). be the key to success in 2023. We
you can see on the horizon? must learn, develop and grow: if we
BT: What will overall product don’t know, we can’t grow!
SD: Continued inflation in some demand look like in 2023 and
categories, coupled with deflation which actions can businesses in OTG: The trend in the decline of
in others. This volatile cost our industry take to encourage traditional office products will
price dynamic means sell price demand growth? continue; in particular, where we
management and margin control see white collar worker businesses
becomes problematic. SD: There may be some increase in adopt more flexible working hours
demand from a slow increase in for their employees, such as the
DA: To circumnavigate the increased office attendance, but this will three day office week. Those
costs we are all facing, we all need be balanced by a decrease in dealers who develop solutions
to know our customers’ challenges economic activity. Diversification or partner with suppliers that
better and support those needs. is an obvious key strategy to can supply home workers with
For the year ahead, it’s maximising sustain volumes, but businesses workplace essentials, while
opportunities on building the should be cautious of ignoring keeping control and visibility of
basket of goods at a sustainable the traditional categories of our expenditure, will be able to help
margin from a commercially sector that still offer significant companies who are looking to
viable standpoint. The biggest opportunities. manage their expenditure in a
opportunities will be through hybrid world.
communicating up and down AV: Hybrid/remote working is here to
the supply line and sharing good stay, so the home office has to be BT: Which products and services will
practice with our connections to front-of-mind when developing be the best performing in 2023?
ensure it’s a win/win for all. new products: we’ve seen a shift
in purchase patterns from big to DA: We have seen growth in furniture
AV: There’s still some uncertainty in smaller packs. It’s also increasingly and wellbeing products, as that
the market, which can lead many important to make sure that has been a focus for us post-COVID
to have a more entrepreneurial products are easily available and – helping customers to be fit for
mindset, We hope to see this reasonably-priced: consumers are work and supporting happier,
momentum again where people not just looking for ‘cheap price’, healthier and more productive
“turn their hobbies into a side- but also performance and quality. work environments. Sing the
hustle” and create small office theme tune, play the record, and
make sure everyone knows what
you can do to help them.