Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 26
P. 18

Special Report - Paper

         Reliable industry statistics are   A4, merchants are reporting a   end of the spectrum: “We are also   Supply Trends Continue
       unavailable at present, but it   slight trend towards this format   seeing an increase in the use of   Another trend in recent years has
       appears that UK demand for cut   as folio and other legacy sizes   higher quality A++ paper: people   been on the supply side: there
       office paper fell by 2-4% in 2014   decline further. The growing use   have cottoned on to the fact that   has been a continuing closure in
       to reach c525-540,000 tonnes,   of colour printing is also rapidly   if they are making a presentation   manufacturing capacity in order
       down from the c700,000 tonnes   doing away with demand for   or putting a prospectus in front   to maintain the supply/demand
       of five or six years ago. However,   tinted papers, as Champion   of a customer, if they use a paper   balance, and this looks likely to
       while there has certainly been   points out: “You now see less   which is designed to give better   continue for the foreseeable
       no resurgence in demand, this   yellow paper with a poster-type   colour lift in the print, it can have   future: before Christmas, M-Real
       annual decline is agreed to be   message on notice boards in   more impact. If you give them a   announced that they will exit
       less than that seen in previous   the office. In fact, you see fewer   poor quality paper with a staple   paper manufacture by 2017.
       years, due in part to a better   notice boards in offices anyway   in the corner it’s not quite the   Only the Thai company Double
       economic picture and more   as people increasingly use the   same.”               A (with the re-opening of the
       desktop colour and digital   intranet to communicate within   This trend is, it appears,   Alizay mill in France in 2014)
       printing.                  their organisations.”       a result of the potential   and Grupo Portucel Soporcel in
         However, as Richard                                  unleashed by digital print:   Portugal appear to be bucking
       Champion, Marketing Director   Polar Exploration       companies are empowering   this trend.
       of Antalis, points out, there is   However, as noted above,   themselves by buying a   Looking downstream, the
       another significant factor that   changes in demand for paper   relatively cheap digital   paper merchant channel (in
       should be considered, which   weight have been the key   printer, setting up a print   which the new Xerox/Antalis
       is the number of sheets versus   trend in recent years, as Fautley   room and producing digital   business is by far the largest UK
       the weight: “The mills have   explains: “75g is now accepted by   print destined primarily for   player, followed by Premier Paper
       been promoting – and the   most users, yet – a few years ago   external communication.   and PaperlinX) is still the main
       consumer has been accepting   – people would only accept 80g.   Says Champion, “It’s a big   route to market, with a 50-60%
       – lower paper weights. I’ve been   There is an increasing acceptance   opportunity for the market: in   share of cut paper distribution
       involved in this market since   even of 65g. I would say that 75g   the past we’ve struggled to get   in the UK and around 300-320K
       about 1980: at that time there   paper would now account for   the sales buy-in from resellers   tonnes now going through it to
       was no way that 80g was going   c50% of the commodity end of   for these papers before, but   office resellers, some consumer
       to be the norm for copier, but   the office paper market.”   now we’re starting to see them   businesses and printers. While,
       now even 70g is being accepted   However, as Champion   being more interested in selling   for many years, many of the
       by some consumers and 75g has   adds, the market is now being   these higher value products   larger OP distributors have
       become widely accepted and   polarised with an increasing   and in having a sales force who   bought direct from mills, Fautley
       even specified.”           demand for products at the top   are trained to sell them.”  claims that the merchants have
         So, while the market tonnage
       shrinkage may have been 2-4%
       in 2014, Champion believes that
       in sheet terms the decline in cut
       paper demand in 2014 may well
       have been only about 1-2%.
         Whatever its actual extent, it’s
       of course agreed that the prime
       driver for the decline in paper
       consumption is digitisation, but
       as Les Fautley, Category Manager
       – Uncoated and Business Papers
       at PaperlinX, points out, this
       is hardly headline news: “The
       effect of the digital age and the
       user demographic – particularly
       younger office workers – has an
       effect on the market, but the
       negative effect of digitisation has
       long been predicted, as has the
       bottoming out of the decline
       that we are now seeing.”
         While the majority (over 90%)
       of the UK cut paper market is

       18  BOSS TODAY | February/March 2015

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