Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 53
P. 5

BOSS Today      #53

          AS THE YEAR

          DRAWS TO AN END

             elcome to the November/  recording is accessible on the   I would like to take this
          W  December edition of BOSS   BOSS website.  The AGM was   chance to wish you all a
          Today. There’s a chill in the air   followed by the BOSS Business   very Happy Christmas and
          and I know from the members   Supplies Charity Golf Day,   prosperous New Year. I hope
          I’ve spoken to over the last   with over 100 attendees. I’d   you all get to take some time
          few weeks, many of you are   like to thank all those who   off with your loved ones. In
          very much looking forward to   enabled the charity to raise   the meantime, if BOSS can
          – and need – a well-earned   over £14k to help continue   be of any assistance don’t
          break over Christmas.     their work supporting those   hesitate to get in touch at
            The last 18 months have   in need in our industry. If you
          been tough for our sector   head to page 16 you can read
          (as they have for many) so   about the changes going on at
          it was heartening to receive   the Charity and hear from our
          numerous entries back in   new Chair and Vice-Chair on
          September to our BOSS     page 11.
          Industry Awards. I know     Our special report in this
          our judges had a tough time   edition looks at eight trends
          making their selections   that are driving demand for
          from the many examples of   products ‘post-COVID’ and
          excellence and innovation   offers six steps for dealers
          and I’m absolutely delighted   looking to take advantage of
          to share the shortlisted   opportunities afforded by the
          individuals and companies on   trends identified (page 6).
          page 14. Good luck to all those   While on page 20 our HR team
          who made it to the final few   offer advice on miscalculated
          and I look forward to seeing   coronavirus job retention
          over 400 of you at the Awards   scheme claims and detail how
          ceremony on the 25 November   to ensure your Christmas
          in Manchester.            party is COVID-safe (page 23).
            It has been great to see   We update you on what
          members in person again.   BOSS has been doing on
          Our AGM, which took place   your behalf to influence
          in September, was a chance   government and parliament
          to update members on the   as well as what’s happening
          Federation’s activities over   politically that may have an
          the last year supporting the   impact on your business (page
          sector and hear from our   12). Welcome to our new
          Board who discussed key   members Haybrooke and go2,
          challenges the industry is   you can read all about them
          facing such as supply chain   on page 24, and finally make
          disruption, recruitment,   sure you are up to date on all
          inflation and work from home.   BOSS events, both virtual and
          For those that missed it, the   in person (page 25).

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