Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 53
P. 13

DOWN TO BUSINESS    BOSS Today      #53

          ensure that policy makers’ work reflects   Meet Your MP Guide. As usual, a full   The Government has suggested that
          communities outside of London and   summary of the meeting will be available   Plan B will be implemented if the data
          enhances job opportunities and economic   on the website here.       shows that the NHS will be placed under
          growth beyond the capital.                                           unsustainable pressure. What are the
                                            Progress on tackling greenwashing  specific metrics to which this refers?
                                            The Competition and Markets Authority   (For example, infection rates/hospital
                                            (CMA) – a body of the Government –   admissions). The Government has
                                            has published the  ‘Green Claims Code’   promised to publish more detail about
                                            to tackle greenwashing. The Code sets   the proposed certification regime that
                                            out six basic principles and a checklist   would be introduced as Part of Plan B.
          Activity Roundup                  of key points which businesses need   When can this be expected, following
                                            to comply with to ensure that their   the closure of the Call for Evidence on 11
          Competition and Markets Authority   environmental claims are genuinely   October? As part of that publication, can
          (CMA) Funerals Order              green.                             more clarity be given regarding other
          We are still keen to hear from you if   The checklist does encourage   measures that may be introduced?
          you’ve been supplying promotional   businesses to understand how they   Should the regime (and other
          merchandise to funeral homes and have   are impacting the environment across   measures) be introduced, can the
          been experiencing a drop in orders.  We   the whole lifecycle of their business   Government make a stronger
          are working with the British Promotional   or product. You can read the full CMA   commitment to a minimum of one
          Merchandise Association to explore how   guidance here.              week’s notice before this comes into
          we can lobby the CMA to change its latest                            force? What support will be offered to
          ruling, which is putting Funeral Directors   Request for clarity on Plan B  businesses under Plan B?
          off using promotional merchandise.  On behalf of the sector BOSS wrote in
                                            October to the Rt Hon Steve Barclay   The full letter can be downloaded here.
          Government & Industry Committee   MP requesting clarity regarding the
          The BOSS and BPIF’s joint Government &   detail behind the Autumn & Winter
          Industry Committee met on 3 November   Plan, particularly Plan B. While BOSS
          to discuss the current state of trade and   have welcomed the governments
          industry, the latest lobbying activity and   encouragement to return to work, in the
          how members can get more involved.  letter BOSS Chairman, Simon Drakeford
            With MPs ready to engage in on-site   has stressed the need for certainty when
          activities once again, the Committee   planning and has asked the following
          decided to rejuvenate the current    questions of government:


                                             4M5CAO-0/c.aspx) why an employer   likely to affect parts of the industry,
                                             can deny their staff the opportunity for   what impact it will have on business
                                             flexible working, and the government   operations and financial and
                                             wants to know whether, in the light of   administrative processes.
                                             the COVID-19 pandemic, these remain   Register here.
                                             valid. Let us know what you think!
            Flexible Working
            The government has opened a      Email Carys Davis at carys.davis@
            consultation into flexible working if you have views that we
            (  can feed back to the Department for
            IIFJBR-4M5CAW-0/c.aspx) and it wants   Business.
            to know whether you think the right
            to request flexible working should   Extended Producer Responsibility
            be available to all employees from   (EPR) – Partner BPIF Roundtable   If you have any other public affairs
            their first day of employment. There   Join us on 24 November 2021 for a   issues you would like to discuss,
            is currently a list of reasons (https://  roundtable on EPR to understand   please contact Carys Davis at
    how the proposed legislation is

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