Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 50
P. 9

BOSS Today      #50

          to keep adapting to the opportunities and   Simon Drakeford: Stock and supplier   “Positive to get a trade deal,
          threats that we can see and those we have   optimisation, end customer targeting   but a lot of clarity needed
          not yet seen.                     technology roll out and diversification.
                                                                               on financial passporting.
          Sean Starkey: Reaching new channels   Thoughts on Brexit             Hope that the ports settle
          with new products remains even more
          important than before. And looking after   Sean Starkey: I guess it’s too early to say,   down quickly.”
          your people even more – they are our   but we are certainly relieved that we are
          most important asset and it has been a   not experiencing high tariff levels.  Simon Drakeford
          tough year for everyone.
                                            Frances Stephen: I am quite relaxed about   BOSS Chairman
          Emily Jones: Priorities for 2021 are to   Brexit. We have implemented a plan, and   and CEO, EO Group
          maintain our strengths as a business,   made as many preparations for it as we
          but to focus more on our weaknesses,   can. We will see the impact of it trickle
          areas where we have gaps, and not only   through the supply chains, but we are all
          to understand what and why they are,   in the same boat. There will be increased   “I think we will eventually
          but how we overcome them and prove   difficulties initially, but these will be   look back on it as having
          ourselves successful in these areas.  smoothed out as time goes on, and we will
                                            adjust and adapt to the new way of doing   been a catalyst for much
          Frances Stephen: Ensuring the continued   things.                    needed positive change.”
          safety of staff. Training will continue to
          be key as the development of staff is vital.   Simon Drakeford: Positive to get a trade
          The BOSS apprenticeship scheme helps   deal, but a lot of clarity needed on financial   Steve Haworth
          with this.                        passporting. Hope that the ports settle   EVO Group
                                            down quickly.

            BOSS Business Impact Survey - November 2020

            BOSS conducted their latest online survey between the 18   some redundancies once the JRS ends. The top three further
            and 27 November 2020. The results were used to represent   support mechanisms desired from Government were an
            the office product industry, lobby on its behalf and represent   ‘extension of the job retention scheme’, ‘business rates relief’
            BOSS members.                                    and ‘grant funding’.
            Order Levels                                     Brexit Concerns
            Findings showed that 79% of respondents reported a   Respondents cited ‘supply chain security’, ‘tariff barriers’ and
            decrease in order levels since September 2020, with the   ‘cost inflation’ as their top 3 concerns, while the top three
            average change in order level being -20%. The responses   opportunities were viewed as ‘a general swelling of home-
            ranged from a low of -80% to a high of +60. The top cited   grown support for British businesses’, ‘increased pressure
            reasons for decrease were ‘customers having less people in   from Government to support SMEs’ and ‘reduced regulatory
            their office’ and ‘customers have temporarily closed due to   compliance and red-tape following UK exit from the EU’.
            restrictions’. 68% of respondents said they had extended or   65% of respondents felt a no trade deal would be ‘slightly’
            diversified into PPE provision and ‘schools (52%) and ‘offices’   or ‘very’ negative. Now that a deal has been agreed and the
            78% were the biggest recipients of this provision.   transition period ended on the 31 December 2020 BOSS will
                                                             be conducting further research on the impact of EU Exit on
            COVID-19 Concern                                 the business supplies sector and conducting a full SoS Survey
            41% of respondents were ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ worried about   in Feb/March.
            the financial impacts of COVID-19. 27% had over 50% of
            their workforce on furlough at the time of responding and   * Responses obtained from 42 companies, covering 3,237
            41% of companies highlighted they would be considering   employees and a combined turnover of over £842 million.

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