Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 50
P. 7

BOSS Today      #50

          Lessons to take forward           Stuart Login: 2020 taught me to better   “A rebalancing of home and
          from 2020                         accept those things that you can’t
                                            influence and to focus on the things you   work time, and a better
          Simon Drakeford: All businesses were   can.                          appreciation of the simple
          forced to focus on the key parts of their                            pleasures in life.”
          strategies and disinvest in ‘me-too’   The likely impact of COVID-19
          add-ons where value and/or return was   on the industry
          questionable. This could lead to a more                              Steve Haworth
          efficient end to end supply chain, which   Frances Stephen: I think we will continue
          should strengthen the industry for   to see companies diversify and product   EVO Group
          those businesses that survive. Personal   ranges evolve. There have been lots
          challenges within business are always   of opportunities that companies have
          rewarding afterwards and leading   grabbed hold of. This was especially   “2020 taught me to better
          companies through 2020 steepened the   highlighted at the BOSS Industry   accept those things that you
          learning curve and reminded everyone of   Recognition Awards in the new products
          the importance of humanity.       that have been brought to market. The   can’t influence and to focus
                                            world has changed and we are fortunate   on the things you can.”
          Steve Haworth: A rebalancing of home   enough to be able to adapt and flex with
          and work time, and a better appreciation   that.
          of the simple pleasures in life.                                     Stuart Login
                                            Simon Drakeford: I think that there   Trodat
          Philip Beer: 2020 helped validate   will be a period up to Easter that is very
          understanding in our business of   tough. Regrettably we may see some
          trends both in terms of where and how   more failures of businesses that have
          consumers want to buy and what they   to take drastic action that will impact
          want. It has also re-set the bar in terms of   future growth/performance. There will
          how much change is possible! Accelerated   be some opportunities for those that can
          discussion and understanding of mental   pivot into demand spikes that may have
          health.                           some similarity to Lockdown 1.0, but the
                                            majority of the industry will face some
          David Langdown: Whilst we dropped   significant headwinds.
          the majority of our revenues when the
          pandemic hit, over the course of the year
          we pivoted and rebuilt. We have attracted
          new customers, formed new partnerships
          and are hopeful that we will actually see
          growth in this financial year.

           David Langdown         Geoff Betts        Frances Stephen        Stuart Login
                Focus7         Stewart Superior        Springfield             Trodat

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