Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 50
P. 17

BOSS Today      #50


          address will need to be included on the   We’ve published more information on   The deal does not avoid the
          item itself.                      this, and text for you to copy and paste   need for the significant
                                            for the declaration, in our summary
          Rules of Origin                   article on RoO which you can find in the   amount of paperwork that
          The idea behind the Rules of Origin (RoO)   news section of our website, please    businesses will need to get
          requirements now in place is to ensure   click here.
          that the benefits of the deal are only                               used to completing.
          given to products that originate in the EU   Where to get more help
          or UK and not from third countries.  For all Brexit queries, in the first instance
           So, to avoid paying tariffs on trading   use the Government’s checker tool at
          between the UK and EU, traders should This allows you to
          make sure they meet the relevant RoO for   enter details about your business to
          their products. Furthermore, they must   receive tailored advice on what steps
          self-certify that the rules have been met.   you need to take.
           Practically, this means making a   Our EU Exit Guide ‘Getting Ready for
          statement on the goods invoice to   a New Relationship with the EU’ can be
          confirm that the products are of UK/EU   accessed here. It covers various aspects
          preferential origin (in other words, that   of the new relationship between the UK
          they originated in the UK/EU).    and the EU and what you need to do –
           In summary, a product is considered to   looking at not only trade but staffing,
          have originated in the EU-UK free trade   business travel, public procurement and
          area if it is ‘wholly obtained’ in either the   advice about contracts.
          UK or EU; if it is produced in that area
          exclusively from originating materials, or   To download the BOSS EU exit guide,
          if any ‘non-originating’ (i.e. from the rest   click here
          of the world) materials incorporated in it   To read all Brexit Bulletins, please    For further information contact
          satisfy product-specific origin rules.  click here         

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