Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 50
P. 15
BOSS Today #50
hese grants, designed to help
Tindividuals develop their skillset so
they can further their careers within the
business supplies sector, were awarded to
the six worthy recipients below.
George Lloyd, United Mark Allan, Office Club
“It means a lot to be able to have the “In these unprecedented times, funding
opportunity now to progress my career for anything is in short supply, so I was
and fulfil my highest potential. The grant delighted and honoured that the BOSS
will be used on courses to expand my skills Federation not only offered the Future
Luke Bryant, Springfield and knowledge with business.“ Fund Grant to the industry but awarded
“Winning the grant is really great as it me as one of the lucky winners. I have
means I can now put it towards training signed up with world renowned training
that is going to help me with both my company, Sandler Training, and am
personal and professional development. It carrying out an extensive Prospecting
will open up a lot more doors for me in the Bootcamp.”
future. With the grant I am going to go on
an advanced driving course. This will allow James Marsh, JGBM Martin Wilde is a Trustee for the BOSS
me to improve my driving.” “Receiving the BOSS Future Fund Grant, Business Supplies Charity and judged the
alongside being highly commended for Future Fund Grants. He comments, “The
Rising Star of the Year on the same night, BOSS Business Supplies Charity exists to
has to be the highlight of my professional provide financial to help to all those in
career to date. Over the past three our industry that need it – irrespective
years, since joining the business supplies of their age, ability or prospects – and
industry through JGBM Ltd, I have strived as a result it was a pleasure to be able
Karen Mills, Pentel (Stationery) Ltd to be the best I can be. I always try to push to provide Future Fund grants to help a
“Winning the Future Fund grant has been myself at every opportunity and with this number of people with a wide range of
a tremendous help, not only financially recognition, I truly feel acknowledged by training needs.”
but it’s given a huge boost to my the industry that has already given me Future Fund grants can be used
motivation. In the current environment so much. I am looking to use the funding towards training or equipment that
it’s hard to stay motivated and keep provided to enrol on to a professional supports a qualifying individual’s career
pushing yourself to achieve your goals. marketing qualification and develop my within the business supplies sector.
The grant will be used to fund my two skill set further.” Examples include: courses for personal
remaining exams and the final payments and professional development, books
of my CIM Digital Marketing course.” and resources to further development
“The BOSS Business Supplies and financial support to attend events to
Charity exists to provide benefit professional development.
financial help to all those If you are interested in applying for a
in our industry that need it Future Fund grant, further details are
– irrespective of their age, available at
Steve Baker, NEMO Dealer Group futurefund or please contact Liz Whyte
“Winning the Grant was welcome ability or prospects.” at
recognition and gratefully received. The
grant will be used for initial Sandler Martin Wilde
Sales training, leading to more advanced
programs. Along with my own personal BOSS Business
development, the knowledge and Supples Charity
techniques gained will be shared with our
members to enhance their sales process.”