Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 48
P. 5

INTRODUCTION     BOSS Today      #48

             ith non-essential retail   as accessible as businesses   as a COVID-Secure business.   being since the beginning of
         Wand large parts of the    would like. Over one third   I really urge members to take   April and 87 of these being
         hospitality sector opening   of responding companies   advantage of this support.  emergency care packages. The
         the country is surely moving   to the April survey have   We’ve launched our COVID-  Charity has received heartfelt
         out of lockdown and the    applied to the CBILS: just over   Secure Product Portal to   ‘thank you’s explaining that
         Government is walking a    one quarter (26%) of those   connect those members, who   the money will enable people
         tightrope of balancing the   companies that had applied   are making PPE and other   to pay their rent and bills
         chance of a second wave with   for a business interruption   products, which will enable   and to buy food. It’s clear
         the negative impacts on the   loan had been successful in   businesses to return to work   the message is reaching the
         economy of maintaining full   their application at the time   safely to those in the industry   right people but please do
         lockdown.                  of responding to the survey;   who are looking to purchase   continue to share and if you
           Throughout this period,   just over one fifth (21%) had   them.              are able to you can donate
         we’ve been working to      not been successful and over   It was brilliant to welcome   here:
         amplify the industry’s voice   half (53%) were still waiting   almost 100 members to our   bossbusinesssupplies
         to Government. Since our   to find out the result of their   first virtual BOSS Members’
         last BOSS Today we’ve      application. Indeed, most   Day at the beginning of June.   Thank you!
         conducted another Business   aspects of the loan schemes   Our keynote speaker Dr Eliza
         Impact Survey and hosted a   application processes were   Filby was insightful on the
         roundtable with members and   rated negatively, particularly   Future of Work, and you can
         the Department for Business,   the time taken for approval.  watch a recording of her
         Energy & Industrial Strategy   I’ve been so proud of the   session here. We’ll be creating
         (BEIS). We received a response   BOSS team over the last 3   many more chances to come
         to our letter to the Secretary   months. Our HR team have   together virtually over the
         of State from Lord Callanan,   been interpreting the schemes   coming months, so keep
         thanking the industry for   released by the Government   an eye on our website for
         its offer of support and   and passing this knowledge on   future dates.
         reiterating that businesses   to our members. They’ve been   Finally, since the
         should remain open.        creating guidance documents,   beginning of 2020
           Our second Business Impact   not only on the schemes, but   the BOSS Business
         Survey really demonstrated   also on working remotely   Supplies Charity  has
         what a lifeline the Job    from home, safeguarding   paid out approx. £54k
         Retention Scheme has been   employees’ mental health   in grants year to date,
         for the majority of those   and also key employment law   with £27k of these
         responding, almost three   considerations. They can help
         quarters of companies      support any business that is
         have been able to access   looking at restructuring and
         the portal and complete    considering its options.
         their application. 74% of   Our H&S team have been
         respondents wanted the     helping members understand
         scheme to be extended, with   exactly which measures they
         over 55% asking for the ability   need to take to be COVID-
         to roll people in and out of   Secure. They have created
         furlough, so we gratefully   a simple eight step road
         received the announcement   map to walk companies
         in June of its extension and   logically through the whole
         increased flexibility.     process, including how to
           However, with the exception   assess vulnerable employees,
         of the more recently-      implement social distancing
         introduced Bounce Back Loan   effectively and undertake
         Scheme, the Government     risk assessments, ultimately
         loan schemes have not been   leading to their certification

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