Page 6 - BOSS Today Issue 47
P. 6

BOSS Today      #47     SUPPORT

          BOSS Business Impact                              71%              have experienced debtors

          Survey Findings                                                    withholding payment due to
                                                                             the uncertainty

          27%              support critical services 91%                      are concerned about the long
                           is the average proportion of
                           respondents whose businesses
                                                                              term survival of their business
                                                                              beyond 6 months

          -65%                average change in order       38%               say they need emergency assistance

                                                                              to ensure that they have sufficient
                              levels from the expected
                                                                              cash flow to cover costs and survive
                              monthly level

                                           LOBBYING EFFORTS

             On the 20th of March we called for:  On the 23rd of March we launched:

             n   The extension of Business Rates   business impact survey (thank   COVID-19 Business Interruption
              Relief beyond the retail, leisure   A  you to all who responded) which   Loan Scheme (CBILS)
              and hospitality sectors, in order   has allowed us to feed in the impact   For the Government to engage in
              to match the economic impact   COVID-19 is having on our sector to   additional dialogue with lenders
              being felt more widely across UK   the Department of Business, Energy   taking part in the CBIL Scheme, to
              business.                      & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).    ensure that lenders are interpreting
             n Widening of the key worker                                     the Government’s intentions
              category to include skilled workers   On the 30th of March BOSS, along   correctly. This will help businesses
              in key manufacturing supply chains  with our partner BPIF, called for   to feel secure about the Scheme,
             n Deferment of VAT, PAYE and    further measures in relation to the   increase uptake and – importantly
              NIC payments, direct support   Job Retention and CBIL schemes:  – improve confidence that the
              for companies and individuals to                                Government’s good intentions to
              reduce and avoid the impact of   Job Retention Scheme           support businesses are being realised
              layoffs, 6 months’ delay to the   Flexibility in what has already been   by the banking industry. 
              implementation of the increase in   laid out by the Job Retention Scheme,
              the National Minimum Wage      particularly around the furloughing   We are pleased that the Chancellor
             n Specific and immediate support and   of workers. We continued to highlight   has now announced that the
              guidance to lend confidence that   adjustments the Government could   requirement to offer commercial loans
              employees can be retained and paid   make which would remove some of   first has been removed and that the
              during the business downturn   the confusion, inject flexibility and   personal guarantee requirements
             n Measures to help the affected staff   make the scheme generally more   for loans up to £250,000 have been
              of companies having to consider   effective.                    removed by at least nine of the main
              lay-offs.                                                       lenders.

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