Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 47
P. 5

NEWS      BOSS Today      #47


          BRITAIN CLEAN,

          SAFE AND

          WORKING –

          HOW WE CAN HELP

         BOSS lobby government for additional business support and highlight our INDUSTRY’S role in the fight against COVID -19

            OSS have been in frequent dialogue   critical businesses and departments
         Bwith government over the last few   can continue to operate during the
         weeks to highlight the essential nature of   COVID-19 pandemic. It highlighted that
         our supply chain and to call for additional   the lockdown and the mass movement of
         support for businesses in our sector.  businesses to home working has brought
           Our lobbying efforts have been   further clarity that deliveries of essential
         twofold. We initially joined forces with   supplies to homes and businesses are
         our partner BPIF to combine the weight   paramount to ensure the UK remains as
         of our collective industries to highlight   productive as possible.
         the significant effects the crisis is having   The letter explains that as an industry
         in terms of financial standing, logistics,   we have a supply chain that a) can move
         access to finance, job retention and   goods efficiently and b) is already is
         further. You can read about our lobbying   already prioritising delivery to critical
         efforts in the box out on the right.  businesses.
           BOSS Chairman Simon Drakeford then
         wrote specifically on the 27th March to Rt   The letter asks the Government to:
         Hon Alok Sharma MP, Secretary of State,
         outlining the critical work the business   n List businesses in our sector as essential  “Our industry is focused
         supplies industry does in supplying the   n Prioritise business-critical supplies  on ensuring critical
         NHS, schools, care homes and research
         centres in addition to Government   In addition, it highlights our highly   businesses and departments
         departments such as the MoD, DoJ, the   effective supply chain and asks   can continue to operate
         Home Office and HM Treasury.       Government how we can support them in   during the COVID-19
           The letter, now supported by 716   their battle against COVID-19.
         companies in the business supplies                                    pandemic”
         sector representing a combined turnover   To view the letter, click here  Simon Drakeford,
         of over £5bn, emphasised that our   To add your support, email
         industry is focused on ensuring these      BOSS Chairman

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