Page 8 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 8

BOSS Today      #44     NEWS



            he BOSS Business Supplies Charity   custodians – the Trustees are very wary
          Thad a very successful year in 2018   about eroding this capital, as Chapman
          – by making a loss of £9,000.     explains: “Year on year, dividends from
           “This may seem odd, but we are   our capital fund provide us with the
          celebrating!” explained the Charity’s   majority of our income, and – while
          Chairman, Graeme Chapman MBE, “We   we are willing to dig a little into this if
          exist to help industry colleagues in   needed, as we have done this year – it
          need, and the more we give away, the   is important that the Trustees safeguard
          more good we know we are doing.”  it so as to ensure that dividend
           Indeed, 99% of the Charity’s     payments will continue to provide
          expenditure in 2018 was grants to   income long term into the future.”
          beneficiaries, and these amounted   The rest of the Charity’s income in
          to over £65,000, an increase of   2018 came from key fundraising events
          £8,800 on the previous year. In all,   such as the Golf Day and the BOSS
          as many as 176 grants were paid in   Awards Dinner, as well as generous
          2018, up 12 on the previous year.  donations from the BOSS Regions,
           One reason for this, says Chapman,   the Climb of Life, the Society of Old
          has been getting the message out: “We   Friends, Fellowes and Bic, as well as
          now have a marketing team dedicated   some private donations and bequests.
          to actively spreading the word about   However, overall, these accounted
          who we are and what we do, and we   for a lesser share of income in 2018,
          have also had great support from the   as Chapman points out, “We have
          industry, the BOSS Federation and   been finding it harder to raise money
          trade press. We don’t want anyone   through fundraising: we know that
          in the industry not to know that   times are tough for many individuals
          there is help at hand if they – or   and companies, but we are committed
          their former colleagues – need it.”  to encouraging everyone to support
           Nearly 60% of the Charity’s income   the Charity wherever and whenever
          now comes from dividends from its   they can, because, one day, it could
          capital funds, but – like any good   be you who needs that help!”

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