Page 6 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 6

BOSS Today      #44     NEWS

         BOSS ELECTS


           he BOSS Board has unanimously    look and feel of BOSS and built further
         Telected Simon Drakeford, CEO of   on its foundations of relevance for our
         the EO Group, to be the new BOSS   industry. With Amy as our new CEO and
         Chairman. He will lead the board in a   Simon taking over as Chairman, we have
         non-executive and voluntary capacity   a really strong leadership team in place
         in addition to his current executive   to take BOSS forward. I’ve really enjoyed
         responsibilities at the EO Group.   the last three years working with Philip
           Simon will help to develop and guide   and wish Simon and Amy every success.
         the strategy and activities of the   Simon is very well known in all quarters
         organisation over the next important   and his brand of enthusiastic dynamism
         years. He has already spent the last three   will go down well with members. Amy
         and half years actively involved as a Non-  is a consummate and professional
         Executive Director of the BOSS Board and   marketeer and will bring her strong,
         was at the heart of the rebranding and   broad set of skills and very engaging
         repositioning of BOSS during that time.  personality to the organisation. I’d like
           Simon commented, “With the       to thank the Board who have supported   Phil Lawson commented, “One of
         appointment of Amy Hutchinson as our   me and BOSS by giving their time and   the best aspects of my job was having
         new CEO, we are entering an exciting   effort. Thanks also to Phil Lawson –   a very supportive Board to turn to
         and transformational period in the   he and I have enjoyed an excellent   when needed and Geoffrey was the
         long history of BOSS and its support   working relationship and are leaving   ideal Chairman for me. He was always
         for members of our trade. It is a real   the organisation in good health.”  available when I needed advice and
         privilege and an honour to be asked   Simon said, “The handover between   gave me the space to operate in when
         to chair the Federation and I relish   Amy and Phil is already well under   that was appropriate. Very few people
         the opportunity to work with Amy   way and going smoothly. Geoffrey   I know have given so much time, over
         to help BOSS continue to objectively   is also staying with us on the Board   so many years and so unselfishly to
         champion all sectors of our rapidly-  as my immediate predecessor,    our industry, and Geoffrey is to be
         changing industry. I’ve had relevant   so we will have good continuity   applauded for so doing. He is used to
         recent involvement on the BOSS Board   between us all with the upcoming   applause with guitar in hand and mic in
         and understand both the opportunities   changes. Exciting times lie ahead.”  front of him, but his role with BOSS has
         and challenges in front of us.”      Rob Jenkins, who has acted as the   been a much less public performance.
           The outgoing Chairman, Geoffrey   BOSS Treasurer for the last eight   I’m sure the new team will appreciate
         Betts, who has held the position for   years, will also be standing down   him staying on the Board as immediate
         the last three years, said, “In my time   from this role on 16 July, following   past Chairman to offer continuity when
         as Chairman we have revamped the   his retirement from the industry.  needed. Thanks Geoffrey, it’s been fun!”

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