Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 23
P. 7
Get Britain
will begin on 1 October 2014, be able to enter a prize draw
and will aim to inform the to win a fantastic dinner and
office products and craft & hotel stay for two at Gordon
hobby worlds – as well as Ramsey’s York & Albany Hotel
the general public – of the in London.
breadth of applications for Sponsors of the campaign
rubber stamps and how they include ASAP Stamps Ltd,
can be used, both to improve Colop UK Ltd, EM Richfords
menial office tasks and also to Ltd, E. Reiner & Co, Stamps
personalise items creatively. Direct Ltd and Trodat UK Ltd.
The campaign will be
Get involved introduced at the RSMG
A consumer-driven website Out of Town Weekend at
will be launched to promote the Thornton Hall Hotel &
rubber stamping and to Spa, Wirral, between 19-21
inform and inspire visitors to September.
give stamping a go. A host of
free consumer marketing tools n FOR MORE
have also been created for INFORMATION, AND TO
he Rubber Stamp raise awareness of the many trade resellers to encourage GET INVOLVED, PLEASE
TManufacturers Guild ways in which rubber stamps their customers to get CONTACT LIZ WHYTE,
(RSMG), in conjunction with can be used, both in the office involved in the campaign. RSMG SECRETARY, ON
the BOSS Federation, is and at home. As if that wasn’t enough, 01924 203338 OR EMAIL
launching a new campaign to The month-long initiative visitors to the website will
July/August 2014 | BOSS TODAY 7
Boss Breifing 2 pages.indd 3 18/07/2014 15:33