Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 23
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         There is a lot happening in the industry and in this issue of BOSS Today

              y thanks go to all of you who   successful BOSS Young Managers’   Weekend. Other regional events are   “Because we
         Mattended the BOSS Members’   Conference, where we managed to   also highlighted in the magazine.
         Day and made it a great success.   get the average age range down   We have a 60 Second Interview   are once again
         The morning Chief Executive   from 50 last year to 20-35 this year.   with Mark Cooper, European   holding the
         Conference, hosted by Steve Turner,   This event was targeted at the new   Managing Director at Avery,
         was attended by 100 of the leading   millennial generation who will be   who is also the BOSS industry   Awards evening
         CEOs in the industry. The session   the next entrepreneurs and CEOs in   representative on the Government
         was topped by a presentation from   our industry. We had a great line up   and Industry Committee, working   in Birmingham,
         Jules Quinn, MD of The TeaShed, a   of speakers, including some young   with the BPIF and the CBI to lobby   your costs will
         26 year old entrepreneur who gave   entrepreneurs, supported by some   the EU and UK Government on
         a stimulating (and funny) talk on   icons of the industry. We will be   legislation impacting on our   be kept as low
         the trials and tribulations of being a   running this event again in April next   industry.
         young entrepreneur in today’s office   year, so please look out for future   We are reviewing the writing   as possible.”
         products world. Geoff Betts, winner   announcements.  instruments market place and
         of the 2013 BOSS Outstanding   The 2014 BOSS Awards are fast   looking at some interesting new
         Achievement Award, was guest of   approaching and will be held on   product developments which are
         honour at the Chairman’s Luncheon   October 22 at the ICC in Birmingham   taking off in that product sector.
         and entertained guests with   and we have already received some   We are also featuring pads and
         anecdotes and songs designed to   fantastic entries. We also still have   notebooks, as well as our regular
         both reminisce and stimulate the   limited sponsorship opportunities   Down to Business features.
         audience. The past BOSS Chairmen/  for those of you who want to raise   There are many more activities
         Presidents were given BOSS Lifetime   your profile and support these   that BOSS is involved with, so please
         Fellowship certificates for their   Industry Awards. Table sales are   enjoy this copy of BOSS Today, put
         contribution to both BOSS and the   open and because we are once   the forthcoming events in your diary
         industry over many decades. Sean   again holding the Awards evening   and get involved in supporting your
         Starkey of Durable was appointed   in Birmingham, your costs will be   industry at both local and national
         the new BOSS Chairman, having   kept as low as possible. Book your   events, through BOSS Today and via
         served his 12 month apprenticeship   tickets and special rate hotels now   BOSS social media. We want to hear
         as Vice Chairman, and the day was   via the BOSS Awards website - www.  from you!
         rounded off with a great networking   I hope you have a great summer!
         session.                    The RSMG are launching a ‘Get
           In this issue of BOSS Today we   Britain Stamping’ campaign in   Michael Gardner, BOSS CEO
         have included a review of the very   the Autumn at their Out of Town

       4  BOSS TODAY | July/August 2014

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