Page 33 - BOSS Today Issue 23
P. 33



       The rules for distance and internet selling have changed.

       Are you up to date?

         f you sell goods or services   Anyone familiar with the old   changes is that your obligation to   “failure to
       Ito consumers over the     rules will know that consumers   provide the information set out in
       internet, by telephone or from   have a right to cancel an order   the regulations will now become   comply with the
       door to door, then there are   made at a distance, and the   a term of the contract, so a failure
       new rules that apply to you   new rules require that the   to comply with the regulations   regulations will
       and your business: on 13 June   cancellation period increases   will also be a breach of contract,   also be a breach
       2014 the Consumer Contracts   from seven working days to   allowing your customers to claim
       (Information, Cancellation and   fourteen days. Furthermore, if   contractual damages.      of contract,
       Additional Charges) Regulations   you fail to inform customers   The new regulations are   allowing your
       2013 came into full force.  of their right to cancel, then   complex and need to be
         These new regulations replace   under the new rules they will   considered in addition to the   customers to
       the Consumer Protection    have a whole year to cancel the   Consumer Protection from   claim contractual
       (Distance Selling) Regulations   contract. It is therefore vitally   Unfair Trading Regulations 2008,
       2000 and legislation on door to   important that you get the   which remain in force, as well   damages.”
       door selling, the cancellation of   wording right in your Terms and   as the Consumer Rights Bill,
       contracts made in a consumer’s   Conditions.           which is currently going through
       home and the Place of Work   The new regulations also set   Parliament.
       Regulations 2008.          out a list of the information that
         BOSS commercial solicitor,   you must give to your customers   n IF YOU REQUIRE
       Nicola Langley, advises that   before the contract is formed,   FURTHER INFORMATION ON
       most websites selling to   and contain prescriptive rules   SELLING TO CONSUMERS
       consumers will need to be   about the passing of risk both   PLEASE CONTACT
       changed and their Terms and   in the goods and at the time of   NICOLA LANGLEY, BOSS
       Conditions of Sale updated to   delivery.              COMMERCIAL SOLICITOR,
       reflect the new regulations.   One of the most important   ON 01676 526062.

                                                                                            July/August 2014 | BOSS TODAY  33

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