Page 29 - BOSS Today Issue 23
P. 29
“Good things
come to
those who work
their arses off
and never
give up!”
which a lot can be learned along Jones was keen to show how with partners and developing
the way. office2office are continuing to other downstream channels.
First off was Emily Jones, Head develop and diversify the Closed
of Closed Loop at office2office Loop system by adding new Focus On Personality
plc, fresh from her Professional products etc, thereby increasing Concluding the formal sessions,
Of The Year success at last year’s the available market opportunity Victoria Arnold, Founder, Desk
BOSS Awards. In her presentation, from £7bn to £30bn. Union, also talked through her
entitled ‘Diversification: Delivering story of developing a successful
Success Through Innovation’, Keep Right On coworking space company,
Jones talked through how – in a To The End emphasising that business
changing market environment – What was also clear from success today is not just about
success can be achieved through Jones’ presentation was the the quality of a product or
diversification, commenting that importance of energy and effort service, but also about the
“selling the same things to the in developing innovation – that personality of the brand, which
same customers is simply not an merely having a good idea is increasingly vital in the new
option!” alone is not enough. This was multimedia world: “What are
Jones then described the reiterated by the next speaker, you doing about giving your
genesis and development of Jules Quinn, MD, The TeaShed brand a personality to appeal
office2office’s Closed Loop in her presentation ‘From Office to Generation Y?” was Arnold’s
system, which she is clearly Tea Girl To Tea Entrepreneur’, who challenge to us all.
passionate about, claiming emphasised the importance
that Closed Loop now has a of energy and commitment by The Future Starts Here
38% share of the UK market for stating “Good things come to The day concluded with an
recycled copier paper, with the those who work their arses off interactive session in which
company selling 600,000 boxes and never give up!” delegates worked collaboratively
of Closed Loop paper in 2013 Entertaining and self- to address key questions.
and expecting a further 25-30% deprecating, Quinn walked us As Michael Gardner explained
increase in 2014. through her story, focussing to the delegates at the start of
One of the recurring themes on the lessons she had learned the day: “You are the future of the
that emerged during the course on the journey about finance, industry – it’s up to you to work
of the afternoon was the need identifying target markets, out how the future will transpire.”
for constant adaptability and pitching to potential customers, On the evidence of this
flexibility when faced with a advertising and promotional conference, the future starts right
changing environment, and activities, finding and working here.
July/August 2014 | BOSS TODAY 29
YMC.indd 5 18/07/2014 15:26