Page 26 - BOSS Today Issue 57
P. 26
hat became known as ‘karoshi’ physical illnesses, not to mention a lack Tips to nip burnout in the bud
W– death by overwork – was first of motivation plus added anxiety and Here are some important tips to help guard
reported in Japan in the late 1960s. It depression. against the risk of burnout:
became considered by many in the country
to be an epidemic in the 1980s and 1990s Tackle the root causes n Lead by example! If you’re a manager,
due to the country’s long working hours So, what can you do to protect yourself ensure that you take your full holiday
culture in both manufacturing and desk- and employees from burnout? allowance each year, have regular
based industries. Many companies now offer wellbeing breaks and leave the office on time.
Did you know that in 2019 the support for staff, including counsellors, n Monitor workloads closely and minimise
word ‘burnout’ was recognised by the wellbeing days, and sometimes even yoga conflicting demands.
World Health Organization (WHO) as and meditation classes or subscriptions. n Ensure that employees take their full
an ‘occupational phenomenon’? Since However, perhaps these measures tackle annual leave allowance.
then, of course, the work landscape has only the symptoms, rather than the root n Provide work from home options for
changed – perhaps some workers have causes, of burnout? staff, if possible.
been less at risk of burnout due to an According to the WHO, burnout n Improve the working environment:
increase in working from home. For others, happens when an individual experiences a create quiet spaces, install plants etc.
the blurring of work/life boundaries can chronic imbalance between the demands n Discuss training needs with employees:
inevitably lead to longer working hours. of the job (for example, workloads that often, time management and inbox
Earlier this year, the Harvard Business are too high) and the resources that they management training can help reduce
Review reported that Google searches have available to complete the job (for feelings of being overwhelmed.
for ‘burnout symptoms’ in the US hit an example, skills and supportive working n Offer an employee assistance
all-time high in May 2022 as the pandemic relationships). Bearing this in mind, it programme or helpline.
recovery gained pace. seems that to truly tackle burnout we need n Change expectations about when
So, what is burnout and how can we to look more carefully at areas such as emails should be answered: ensure that
avoid it? workload, pressure, available training and employees do not feel that they have
work environments. to respond to emails or calls outside of
Is burnout normal and what office hours.
does it feel like? the Harvard Business n For desk-based staff, encourage breaks
How can we differentiate between Review reported that away from computer screens, especially
tiredness, which might be fairly universal, for back-to-back online meetings, which
and true burnout? Burnout can be defined Google searches for can lead to ‘Zoom fatigue’.
as a state of emotional, physical, and
mental exhaustion caused by excessive ‘burnout symptoms’ For more info on how to deal with
and prolonged stress. Symptoms include in the US hit an burnout, check out http://www.
feeling emotionally drained, being tired
all the time or feeling overwhelmed and all-time high in May 2022
unable to meet constant demands. Often, Watch the BOSS webinar
if the stress continues, burnout can as the pandemic recovery with Burnout specialist
contribute to lowered immunity, leaving gained pace. Leanne Spencer here.
people susceptible to more frequent