Page 11 - BOSS Today Issue 57
P. 11
eco-eco Stationery
co Eco Stationery (www.ecoecostat. competitively priced, environmentally Eco-eco Stationery has a flexible, can-do supply stationery products friendly stationery to the trade. Having attitude to customer service and always
with high eco credentials at no started with 18 SKUs, the company now puts customers first – delivering all
additional cost to the consumer. The offers over 120 SKUs, with many more orders within 48 hours.
company was founded in 2015 by Laura planned for 2023. Whilst eco-eco has a large retail
McGowan and James Faulkner, who They have discovered that consumers customer base, the owners are hoping
identified a gap in the market for high have a real appetite for good quality and that being a member of BOSS will give
quality, reasonably-priced stationery responsibly sourced stationery products, them more opportunities to connect
products and put their brains together which has given them confidence to with B2B dealers.
for the greater (environmental and introduce better quality products into
social) good to form eco-eco Stationery. the range. James Faulkner, Director,
Despite all the disruption from Brexit, comments: “We are proud that all of our
Covid lockdowns and ever-increasing products are high quality and made to
overheads, eco-eco has developed stand the test of time. It’s refreshing not
into a key supplier of good quality, to be constantly driven by price.”
Hetherington Office Supplies (HOS)
Graham Hetherington spotted a gap in future and as a result offers an eco-
the market for a value office supplies friendly product line.
company in their area. They wanted to Graham Hetherington, Managing
provide a more cost-effective solution Director, comments, “We are very
for local businesses. proud of our obsessive commitment
In an ever-changing economy and to good customer service and
market, the company’s ability to satisfaction, which was especially
change has been its biggest asset. It important during the testing times
etherington Office Supplies (https:// has always committed to improving that Covid-19 brought.” its e-commerce offering to ensure In a volatile industry it is apparent that
has two main arms. The first is office that it was not left behind. Also, strength in numbers is key to moving
supplies and furniture and the second HOS has recently launched a new towards a bright and sustainable future
is educational supplies and furniture. If website which was designed with a and Lindsay and Graham Hetherington
a school or office uses it, Hetherington UI focus on simplicity and ease for believe that joining BOSS provides an
supplies it. The company was founded customers. Finally, HOS believes that important and strong connection to the
over 30 years ago when Lindsay and sustainability is the key to a successful heart of the industry.
iking ( offers Furthermore, as Simon Allan-Brooks,
Vproducts, services and solutions for all Managing Director, comments ”Viking
industries in all sectors to small, medium is also actively working to make a
and large companies. The company positive impact by using sustainable
supports businesses with general office resources, products and encouraging For Viking, being part of the BOSS
supplies, food, catering and furniture, biodiversity.” Federation is a ‘no brainer’, as Allan-
or consultation about new technology Viking’s specialism is its fanatical Brooks comments: “It is great to have
or interiors for their business, whether customer service culture that drives such a valuable resource that shares
for office based or remote working. In and maintains customer loyalty, and qualitive and quantitively rich data that
addition to office supplies, Viking has it is proud to put the customer at the supports and influences us in making
recently expanded its categories and heart of every decision it makes. The core decisions and suggestions. The
services: whether a business requires company has started to bring back networking events allow our teams to
information regarding food and catering its customer service from an offshore gain knowledge, share knowledge, and
or consultation about new technology or partner to its two commercial offices in build their network of contacts with
interiors for their business, Viking can help. Leicester and Oldham. suppliers and competitors alike.
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