Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 5

NEWS    BOSS Today      #56




           n association with the BOSS Federation,   individual’s career within the business
          Ithe BOSS Business Supplies Charity   supplies sector, examples include:
          will award Future Fund Grants to help
          support individuals looking to progress   n  Courses for personal and professional
          their career in the business supplies   development
          industry. These grants, of up to £750   n  Books and resources to further
          per person, are available to individuals   development
          who work, or have recently worked, in   n  Financial support to attend events to
          the business supplies industry who may   benefit professional development
          need financial support for professional
          development to further their careers   To submit your application please click
          at this time. Grants should be used to   here. Deadline for entries is Monday 31st
          help develop the recipient’s skillset so   October 2022.
          they can further their careers within the
          sector.                           For support with your entry
            The grants can be used towards training   please contact Helen Dunn at
          or equipment that supports a qualifying


                                               Thank you to all those who filled   n Have you re-evaluated your business
                                            in our State of Supplies Survey, which   investment decisions as a result of
                                            included a section on energy costs. The   extended high energy costs?
                                            responses have given us clear figures to   n What action would you like to see
                                            share with the Department for Business,   Government take to help support your
                                            alongside the case studies that some of   business, your supply chain and the
            usinesses have been given an    you have provided. The current results   office supplies and services industry?
          Bemergency package of support     show that the majority of companies
          (the Energy Bill Relief Scheme, which   expected to be under moderate financial   Now the Government’s price cap for
          began on 1 October) to reduce the price   pressure over the next two years if   businesses has been announced, we’re
          being paid for energy. Discounts will   energy prices remain high. However, we   keen to know your reaction. This was
          be given for six months, with further   are still seeking more evidence to see if   rated as the most helpful type of
          support being given to vulnerable   our industry qualifies as a ‘vulnerable   intervention by our respondents, so
          industries (the definition of which we   industry’.                  please let us know what you think.
          are discussing with the Government).  If you haven’t already please contact
          There is now a ‘supported wholesale and share
          price’ per MWh for both electricity and   your feedback on the questions below:
          gas – expected to be £211 for electricity
          and £75 for gas. However, electricity   n What level of energy cost increases   BOSS’s partner BPIF hosted
          prices are still expected to be double   has your business incurred over the   an Emergency Round Table –
          what they were this time last year (but   last two years?              Navigating the Storm – with energy
          much less than what was otherwise   n What level of financial pressure would   management company Inenco on the
          forecast). Read more about the business   you expect your business to be facing   12th of September. You can watch a
          support measures here and go to the   if energy prices stay high for the next   recording of this here.
          Government website for the full details.  two years?

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