Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 4

BOSS Today      #56

          FROM THE TOP

           he team and I enjoyed    beyond this period only to   industry at a well-attended   BOSS Awards evening kicking
          Twelcoming members to     ‘vulnerable sectors’.     virtual conference (p27).   off at 18.15. Make sure you
          our BOSS Members’ Day       We asked businesses     Attendees heard from leading   have your ticket booked!
          & Chairman’s Lunch this   throughout September to   companies in our sector     Finally, amongst this cost-
          September at the beautifully   share the impact that this is   regarding their journeys   of-living crisis, I want to take
          refurbished Stationers’   having on them through our   towards Net Zero and B   the opportunity to signpost
          Hall, even if the topic of   State of Supplies Survey (now   Corporation, the non-profit   you to the much-needed work
          conversations, centred around   closed) but I encourage you   network whose mission is to   of our partners the BOSS
          the economy, were somewhat   all to contact us directly if   inspire and enable people to   Business Supplies Charity,
          sombre. Vicky Pryce, a leading   you haven’t yet done so. This   use business as a force for   which exists to support
          economist from the Centre   evidence will be crucial when   good. We now hope to make   those in our sector who are
          for Economics and Business   government is considering   this conference a yearly event.   struggling financially.
          Research (CEBR), shared her   whether our sector should be   It’s also great to see   Please make sure that your
          thoughts with attendees on   categorised as ‘vulnerable’ in   our Leaders of the Future   employees and colleagues are
          the current economic and   their three month review.    Committee launching its   aware of the support that the
          political instability (p11).    You can email me directly at   two year Roadmap, which   Charity offers: details can be
          She considered the prospects   includes four conferences and   found at
          ahead for the UK economy   with your answers to the   webinars. The committee’s
          and businesses against    questions on p5.          intention is to empower
          an uncertain geopolitical   BOSS continue to provide   ambitious individuals in our
          environment with rising costs,   cost effective, impartial   industry to become more self-
          staff shortages and more   business support to our   aware and to take ownership
          general supply constraints,   members, whether it’s   of their career paths and
          as well as changing demand   our HR team’s advice and   personal growth, something
          and trading patterns as work   guidance with recruitment   that was kickstarted at a
          practices alter. The discussion   and retention (p18) or our   webinar in September. The
          then moved from the macro   HS&E Advisors, whose    committee will be striving to
          trends to our panel of industry   Environmental Roadmap is   build upon the community
          experts who considered the   designed to help businesses   it has created, to provide a
          impact of this instability on   demonstrate and improve   space where peers can share
          our sector specifically.  their commitment          ideas, learn relevant and
            All of the discussion   to minimising their       transferable skills and build
          provided clear evidence   environmental impact (p22).  strong networks.
          that there is a continued   On p24 our training team   I am thrilled to
          need for BOSS to represent   highlights its new BPIF Level   congratulate those who
          the industry’s needs, with   7 Masters Programme, which   have been shortlisted for the
          a clear and strong voice, to   ensures that our industry can   2022 BOSS Awards (p12).
          government. Over the last few   offer development from entry   In a challenging year, it has
          months, we have concentrated   level apprenticeships to the   been uplifting to see so many
          our efforts on making visible   highest level of management.  examples of excellence being
          the impact of rising energy   Our Special Interest Groups   submitted. Thank you to all
          costs on companies in our   have been busy over the   those who took the time
          sector. We’ve kept BOSS   last few months. In July, the   to enter, the standard was
          members informed, through   Environmental Forum brought   incredibly high and thank you,
          our lobbying updates, that   together sustainability leads   too, to our dedicated judges.
          the support announced for   from across the supply chain   We have a packed agenda
          businesses (the Energy Bill   to discuss the opportunities   for the 24th of November,
          Relief Scheme) will provide   and challenges which a   with our Leaders of the Future
          discounts only for six months   commitment to sustainability   Conference taking place from
          and will likely be extended   brings to the business supplies   10.30-15.30 (p14) and the

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