Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 9

BOSS Today      #55

            the longer term ambition behind it. We   Programme (“we already promote   there that aren’t backed up by any kind
            have now published how we’re going   and support 10 Microbusinesses and   of substantiation. Check the rigour with
            to achieve that and it looks at eight   are proud to have been nominated   which those claims are being made,
            key areas: Sustainable Innovations;   for a number of UK and International   because asking those questions will make
            Low Carbon Raw Materials (e.g. using   awards in recognition of the authentic   other people think as well.”
            waste wheat straw to make pulp);   proposition the Goodness brand and   Finally, Spence is keen to point out that
            Breakthrough Technologies (e.g.    programme represents”).         there is support already available within
            looking at geothermal energy in New                                the supply chain: “If I was a dealer I would
            Zealand); Fossil-Fuel-Free Production;   Advice To Dealers         be looking to my wholesaler to cover off
            Resource Efficiency (“We have a   These, of course, are either large   the people element, to assure me that the
            programme called MESave which   companies with significant resources   mapping through this supply chain is solid.
            looks at how we can reduce energy   or small companies fortunate to have   And then I would decide which products I
            usage: our mill in Skelmersdale has   sustainability specialists at their heart.   would like to take on from the wholesaler’s
            reduced energy consumption by 10%   What options then, are available to small   range: are they just going to be budget
            since 2015 by using LED lights etc.”);   dealers who perhaps do not have these   and white box? They’ve got to decide what
            Zero Production Waste (e.g. Essity’s   kind of resources?          their strategy is going to be, and make
            TORK Paper Circle initiative collects   The first step – as Risbridger explains   their product selection accordingly.”
            and recycles hand towels, which also   – is to start looking at environmental   BOSS of course has a raft of advice
            generates new raw material); Clean   issues and commit to real action: ”They   and resources available to members,
            Transport; and Less Waste After Use   need to ask the questions – including   such as their Environmental Road Map
            (e.g. having more sheets on a roll so   checking the validity of some accreditation   (see page 20).
            that less packaging is used).   schemes. They need to start thinking   That sticky toffee paper is clearly here
                                            about what they’re doing and understand   to stay.
          n  David Harman – Product & Services   that they need to make some changes. It’s
                                                                               Martin Wilde – the author of this article – is
            Director at Lyreco UK – points   not about rebadging what you’re doing as   Managing Director of OP market research
            out that the company has recently   environmentally-friendly and no change   specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
            announced “a subtle shift in the   actually happening –you’ve actually got to
            expression of our core purpose as   change something!”
            a business from ‘A great working   However, as Harman points out, “Don’t
            day. Delivered’ to ‘A great working   get intimidated by the big goals & targets
            day. Sustainably Delivered’”, but it is   that are used by some organisations. Look
            clear that the changes planned are   at the baby steps, the incremental steps.  A
            extensive. The first-ever local Annual   lot of these are not costly initiatives – and
            Report of its recently-launched Lyreco   every little counts.”
            Goodness brand contains six key   Pybus believes that one good place for
            objectives: Circular Economy (Lyreco   dealers to start is Sir David Attenborough’s   “At the end of the day, no
            will have a recycling or reusable   advice that we shouldn’t waste: “Ask
            scheme in every category by 2026);   yourself the question ‘Where are we   business will be successful
            Diversity & Inclusion; Products (these   wasting?’ That’s a really good place to   unless it embraces
            will be as sustainably and ethically   start. Then of course, while they’re going
            sourced as possible: “By our centenary   to stock a lot of products, they’re not   sustainability within their
            year in 2026 a minimum of 90% of our   going to be experts in what makes each of   organisation and it’s not
            sales will come from products that   those sustainable; but there are reliably
                                            audited  third party accreditation schemes  just the products you sell,
            are sustainable”); Social Value (“we
            integrate social responsibilities into   out there which are really good indicators   it’s the whole culture of
            our organisation: for example, we have   of where they can be confident that they   your organisation that
            five charity partners that we actively   are buying sustainable products. However,
            support and we also get involved in   they should also have discussions with   you’re changing.”
            projects with the local community);   their suppliers and not take things at
            Reducing Our Impact Globally (e.g.   face value.  The CMA have produced   Andrew Bryers,
            using LED lighting and removing fossil   guidelines on misleading environmental   Head of Corporate Social
            fuels etc.); Micro-Business Support   claims, and there are lots of claims out   Responsibility, Lyreco UK

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