Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 55
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BOSS Today      #55

          FROM THE TOP

             elcome to the May/June   a great opportunity for this.   Survey. Thank you to all those   welcome our two new Board
          Wedition of BOSS Today.   Recently, our BOSS Single   of you who contributed to this   members Julie Hawley, YPO,
          In this issue we focus on   Use Plastics Forum, which   study.                and Aidan McDonough, Integra
          sustainability. At BOSS we   was founded to encourage an   Announced at our LOTF   Business Solutions. They
          want to ensure that we have   industry-wide dissemination   conference, the partnership of   bring with them an extensive
          the industry’s environmental   of agreed plastic data fields,   Rachael Lewis, OT Group and   breadth of experience and a
          and sustainability        has widened its remit to an   Alex Stone, Office Friendly as   diverse set of skills from long
          requirements at the centre   Environmental Forum. It will   our next Leaders of the Future   careers within our industry. I
          of our focus, in addition to   still monitor Government,   Committee Chairs is extremely   look forward to working with
          supporting members with   scientific and market     exciting. Each individual has   them and shaping the next
          their wider Environmental,   trends with respect to the   unique strengths which will   chapter of BOSS with their
          Social and Governance (ESG)   manufacture and use of   be invaluable to this dynamic   guidance. I offer my thanks
          targets. Our teams work   plastic, but now intends to   group moving forwards.   to the three board members
          hard to ensure that they   act as a catalyst to educate   We’ll be communicating their   who have stepped down in
          are providing you with the   the industry in best practices   plans on how to connect and   recent months - Sean Starkey,
          relevant advice and guidance.  across all environmental   support the future leaders in   David Langdown and Adam
            You can read about      issues.                   our industry over the coming   Noble - whose advice and
          our newly-launched          With an increasing      months. Make sure that you   input have been invaluable in
          Environmental Road Map    body of evidence showing   put the 24th of November in   guiding BOSS throughout the
          on page 20 which has been   that consumers are      your diary for the next LOTF   COVID-19 pandemic.
          developed to help businesses   prioritising ethically- and   Conference. Thank you to
          find a path to navigate their   environmentally-conscious   Scott Castle, Staples, for his
          environmental requirements.   brands and products, and   exemplary leadership over
          It consists of a baseline   that this has grown since   a very challenging last two
          self-assessment with a    the pandemic, our Features   years.
          supporting resource and   Researcher Martin Wilde     The 24th of November is
          support platform. The team   spoke to sustainability   also the date of the 2022 BOSS
          has also been on hand to   champions in our industry to   Awards. I’m delighted that
          answer all queries on the   find out where their focus is   we will be returning to the
          Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT)   right now (p6). Helen Dunn,   stunning Kimpton Clocktower
          which came into force on   our Editor, also caught up with   Hotel in Manchester, and you
          1 April 2022. This affects   Adam Huttly, MD of RED-  can take a look at the Awards
          everyone who imports,     INC, regarding their quest to   categories available to enter
          manufactures, or deals    create a company that puts   on page 12. Entries open at the
          with plastic packaging, and   equal focus on people, the   end of June.
          has a 10 tonne threshold.   planet and profit. Read how   Throughout 2022 BOSS are
          In addition, we have kept   becoming a B Corporation was   providing many opportunities
          members informed on the   a key part of this journey on   to network, and these can all
          change in plans to Extended   page 10.              be found on page 27.
          Producer Responsibility (EPR)   The current shortage of   However, the next event I
          implementation: you’ll find   paper support has been a   hope to see you at is the BOSS
          more information on this on   significant challenge for our   Charity annual Charity Day
          page 21.                  sector. Tim Percival from   on the 15th of June. Funds
            Bringing the industry   Antalis informs us regarding   raised at this golf and spa day
          together to facilitate    the negative influences   and evening dinner help the
          discussions and share     impacting its global supply   Charity to provide much-
          knowledge is a priority for   on page 11, while on page 18   needed financial assistance to
          BOSS and our sell out LOTF   our Economist, Kyle Jardine,   many families in our industry,
          Conference on Sustainable   shares some findings from   so I urge you to get involved.
          Leadership in March provided   our latest State of Supplies   Finally, I’m delighted to

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