Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 15
WIA’s Positions Statement On Single
Use Plastic Packaging
There is a clear difference environmentally-friendly, using
between single use/disposable sustainably-sourced materials
packaging (eg blister cards) and with clear recycling instructions.
containers for long term storage 3. It is the responsibility of the end
and organisation, such as wallets user to ensure that the single use
and pouches. Certain elements of packaging is disposed of in an
transit packaging, such as pallet environmentally-friendly way, eg
economy end. In wrap and parcel tape, should be recycling.
essence, this largely means considered single use packaging. 4. It is the responsibility of the
a shift towards own label and plastic waste industry to ensure
cheaper ‘me too’ products, 1. There is a requirement for single that single use packaging waste
something that Craik admits use plastic packaging for the is recycled or disposed of in the
makes him want to get up on a following reasons: most efficient and effective way
soapbox: “Writing instruments a. Personal security: to protect and to make recycling facilities
manufacturers have been really the consumer from the easily available for end-users.
too good at generating ‘me too’ product, eg odour, leakage etc. 5. It is the responsibility of the
products: if someone comes b. Product security: to protect government to legislate and
up with a good idea, everyone the product from damage, eg regulate to ensure the above
else follows it. It’s a terrible transit damage; if fragile etc. four points happen. Also, there
duplication of effort. Suppliers c. Reseller security: to protect the is a strong need to educate
should instead concentrate resellers from theft or damage, the consumer on what can be
on their core strengths.” eg using markers on nearby recycled and how.
Indeed, as Craik points POS. 6. It should be noted that members
out, there are still plenty of d. Product communication and of the Writing Instruments
opportunities in the writing or display: eg hanging blister Association, along with the office
instruments market for cards; usage instructions; products industry, have been
real innovation: “One is safety warnings; product ID, striving for many years to ensure
developing innovative product such as barcodes etc. that product and packaging are
packaging: for example, 2. It is the responsibility of the manufactured and distributed
Pentel, Maped Helix and others supply chain from manufacturer in the most environmentally-
are producing plastic-free to reseller to ensure that the friendly way possible, within
packaging. For manufacturers, single use packaging is as minimal the constraints of commercial
retailers and consumers, as possible, but fit for purpose and practice.
there is a lot of focus on
this area at the moment.”