Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 44
P. 14

BOSS Today      #44     SPECIAL FEATURE

                        INSIDE THE


                         With its ubiquity (‘everyone needs something to write with!’),
                         consistent track record of innovation, and strong manufacturer
                         brands, the writing instruments market could be seen as a showcase
                         for the traditional stationery sector.  In this feature, BOSS Today
                         takes a look inside thAT cabinet by talking to Pentel’s Graham Craik,
                         Chairman of the Writing Instruments Association (WIA).

                          f writing instruments are    art and craft categories are seeing   the education specialists
                         Ia showcase for the whole     growth with high street retailers   to get schools’ business. However,
                         traditional stationery market, it   such as WH Smith and Ryman, as   he also believes that some of the
                         would perhaps be no surprise that   well as with discounters such as   larger education specialists are
                         overall sales are being reported   B&M, The Range and TK Maxx.  now actively looking to expand
                         by some industry commentators                              their business outside of the
                         as being 6% or 7% down in 2018   The Blackboard Jungle     schools’ sector: “We have seen
                         in value terms, with B2B sales   One sector where writing   some people’s names cropping
                         declining by as much as 12% and   instruments have historically been   up in what would usually be seen
                         retail sales staying fairly steady.   consistently strong is in education,   as everyday contract stationer-
                         However, Craik claims that he   but Craik believes that there are   type accounts. It’s fascinating,
                         does not recognise this overall   a number of important trends   particularly considering that
                         picture: “While B2B channel   in operation here: “Across the   the service levels of some of
                         demand is definitely a little   board there has been a significant   these specialists are pretty good,
                         weaker, and the high street is   decline in education channels.   although they cannot have the
                         quite significantly down year   There is no doubt that schools   range to fulfil a whole office’s
                         on year, we can see that this   have less to spend, now, and there   requirements any more than a
                         business has moved across to   are plenty of stories about schools   contract stationer could fulfil a
                         Amazon. The supermarkets are   sending letters out to parents   whole school’s requirements.”
                         significantly down because over   requesting pens and stationery,
                         the last two years they have   which of course is benefiting   Staying Off The Bottom
                         simply reduced the amount of   retail channels at the expense   Furthermore, as education
                         space they allocate to non-food   of the education specialists.”  budgets are cut, Craik believes
                         products in order to shift away   Indeed, Craik reports that the   that the value of the education
                         from categories in which they   education market is becoming ever   market is decreasing faster than
                         directly compete with Amazon.”   more of a competitive jungle, with   its volume as schools look to buy
                         Furthermore, Craik reports that   local dealers, contract stationers,   cheaper writing instruments,
                         both the writing instruments and   Amazon and others also fighting   moving from the premium to the

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