Page 31 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 31

operate must be well lit,   can be implemented.       directly supervised when   n Hi-vis areas should be
          particularly in outside    Remember that gaps are     necessary, particularly     implemented in areas
          areas at night. Traffic    required where forklift    during reversing            where vehicle movements
          routes, roadways and       operations are conducted.   operations. When long      are common, such as
          pedestrian routes          Safe crossing points for   vehicles are reversing into   warehouses and loading/
          should be clearly and      pedestrians must be        difficult areas, audible    unloading bays.
          unambiguously marked.      clearly marked and visible.   and visual warning signals
        n Site speed limits should   Action must be taken to    must be used when fitted,   n IF YOU NEED
          be set up and clearly      control danger points such   or a banksman protocol   ASSISTANCE IMPROVING
          signed, with management    as blind spots and sharp   implemented. A banksman   YOUR WORKPLACE
          controls being put in place   bends. Parabolic mirrors   must be trained in the use   TRANSPORT SAFETY,
          to ensure full compliance.   should be considered.    of recognised signals.    CONTACT YOUR
          Control measures such    n Visitors must be made     n Floors and roadways      REGIONAL HS&E
          as sleeping policemen      aware of site rules. Vehicle   must be maintained    ADVISER OR VISIT WWW.
          and speed humps            movements should be        in good condition.        BOSSFEDERATION.CO.UK

                                                                                     December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  31
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