Page 30 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 30


       ON THE MOVE

       Many workplace accidents involve vehicles, including lorries, vans and
       forklift trucks, but such dangers are often overlooked by employers.

          ransport movements      delivery of waste skips.    When investigating these     used by both vehicles and
       Tin and around the           The HSE has produced      types of accidents or carrying   pedestrians need to be
       workplace - or when making   statistics identifying    out risk assessments,        wide enough to enable
       deliveries and collections   four main areas where     companies should             vehicles to pass pedestrians
       - need to be controlled    workplace transport         consider the following:      safely. Barriers or safety
       to protect pedestrians     accidents occur. These are:  n Every workplace is        rails may be required in
       and prevent damage to      n Moving vehicles coming      different and often smaller   particularly vulnerable
       plant and equipment,         into direct contact with    businesses share common    places such as doorways,
       such as racking systems.     people in the workplace     facilities where goods are   gateways, tunnels and
         In small businesses, the risk   n Persons falling from   loaded and unloaded. When   other enclosed routes.
       may be limited to parking    vehicles during loading     undertaking an assessment   n Pedestrian access
       employees’ cars or controlling   and unloading operations  of the risks posed by    around loading bays
       visitors or contractors on site   n Vehicles (including fork lift   workplace transport, it   and delivery points must
       and routine deliveries by light   trucks) overturning due   is essential that it is site-  be fully controlled and
       vehicles. In larger businesses,   to exceeding site speed   specific, taking into account   preferably accessed
       the risk assessment          limits or uneven surfaces   the particular circumstances   through a separate door
       might need to take into      in yards or unsafe loads    of individual companies.   that is clearly identified.
       account arrangements for     becoming unstable         n Ensure that vehicles       Signage is required
       unloading and loading      n Goods falling from a        and pedestrians are        that directs pedestrians
       from heavy goods vehicles    vehicle and striking        separated as much as       to the safe route.
       and the removal and          individuals in the area     possible. Traffic routes   n Areas where vehicles

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