Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 22
P. 18


       to ensure that companies are   approach is often taken to minor   receipts etc, and so OP   “Serious non-
       applying due diligence and   failures, with the focus being   companies should be able to
       maintaining appropriate records.   on business improvement,   demonstrate compliance with   compliance
         An Executive Agency for   serious non-compliance will   minimum disruption.
       the Department of Business,   be dealt with in a robust but                          will be dealt
       Industry and Skills, the NMO   proportionate manner.   How BOSS Can Help                    with in a
       has experience in enforcing a                          The priority is to support
       range of European regulations   Where The OP           well-intentioned and legitimate   robust but
       and directives. It takes a three-  Industry Stands     businesses in achieving better
       tiered approach to enforcement,   The office products industry   compliance levels, whilst   proportionate
       blending business support,   is clearly a large consumer of   targeting those companies
       direct enforcement and a testing   paper, and so represents a core   who are seeking to gain an   manner.”
       programme in order to promote   priority for the NMO in terms   advantage by circumventing
       broad-based understanding and   of ensuring compliance. Our   or ignoring the Regulation. Any
       compliance whilst seeking to   understanding is that - in most   company who is unsure of their
       identify those companies which   instances – OP companies   position under the Regulation
       are persistently, deliberately or   purchase this from other   should get in contact with the
       seriously transgressing.   companies within the UK or   BOSS team or read the FAQs on
         The NMO undertakes       Europe, rather than importing   the NMO website.
       regular risk-based compliance   directly from third countries. As   A key message for businesses
       activities in order to assess the   such, most firms simply need to   working in this area is that
       levels of conformity across   maintain records of whom they   you should feel confident
       the UK, whereby specific   have purchased products from,   in approaching the NMO
       technical documentation and   and of any other trader that they   for advice, without fearing
       evidence may be requested   have sold it to – up until the   over-zealous or draconian
       and assessed. In addition, the   point of end-use.     enforcement.
       organisation aims to support   It is anticipated that the
       those companies who are    information required to comply   n FOR FURTHER DETAILS
       seeking to comply by providing   with EUTR is already being   CONTACT DALE WALLIS,
       them with information and   collected and maintained in   MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR,
       guidance. Whilst a pragmatic   the form of contracts, invoices,   ON 07736 828450.

       18  BOSS TODAY | May 2014

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