Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 22
P. 17

The requirements               he European Timber      Are You In First Place?    to support transparency and
                                  TRegulation (EUTR) came     The legislation distinguishes   traceability within the domestic
       of the new                 into force on 3 March 2013,   between companies that ‘first   timber supply chain.
       European Timber            and affects most companies   place’ timber/timber products   Under the EUTR, it is a
                                  that deal in timber or timber-  on the market (often this is   criminal offence to place
       Regulations                related products. The regulation   the company responsible for   illegal timber or timber
       reach far into             aims to tackle the problem   importing the goods) and   products on the EU market.
                                                                                         Likewise, any company which
                                                              those who use those products
                                  of illegal logging by reducing
       the OP industry            the demand and market for   further down the supply chain.   places timber on the market
                                  illegally harvested timber   Companies ‘first placing’ timber   without undertaking sufficient
                                  in the EU. Similar legislation   on the EU market must carry   due diligence is liable for
                                  has also been implemented   out due diligence, which   prosecution, as is any company
                                  in the United States, and the   involves obtaining information   which fails to maintain
                                  Australian Government is about   about products and supply   appropriate records to assist
                                  to introduce equivalent laws.   chains and undertaking a risk   with traceability.
                                    The legislation covers the   assessment exercise in order to   The National Measurement
                                  vast majority of timber and   establish whether the timber   Office (NMO) has been
                                  timber-related products,    has been legally harvested.   appointed as the ‘Competent
                                  including paper and related   Those companies which are   Authority’ responsible for
                                  materials, and any company   buying or using timber which   enforcing the EUTR in the UK.
                                  – including those in the office   has already been placed on the   The NMO’s primary function is
                                  products (OP) industry - that   market must maintain records   to enforce the prohibition on
                                  buys, sells, or utilises relevant   of whom they have purchased   illegal timber being placed on
                                  products will be affected by the   timber from, and also to   the market and to undertake
                                  EUTR.                       whom they supply it, in order   risk-based enforcement visits

                                                                                                 May 2014 | BOSS TODAY  17

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