Page 6 - BOSS Today Issue 20
P. 6
BOSS Awards 2013
This year’s event moved to Birmingham, and went up another gear
ollowing the 2012 BOSS the food and drink, the
Awards, Michael Gardner, accessibility of hotels and the
FCEO BOSS Federation, networking facilities.
contacted all the main sponsors
and supporters of the BOSS Awarding Creativity
Awards and gathered a clear Comedian Josh Widdecombe
brief for 2013. Members hit exactly the right balance
wanted reduced ticket prices, of comedy, reverence and
hotels to cater for all budgets, brevity, and did an excellent
cheaper drinks, no congestion job as compère for the Awards,
charge and a bar area in the which this year saw ‘Initiative
main room for networking. Of The Year’ receiving the most
entries - a testament to the
Making The Move creativity and dynamism within
As a result, the decision was our industry - while Geoff
made by the BOSS Board Betts (MD, Stewart Superior
to move the venue to the Europe), acclaimed winner of
International Convention the ‘Outstanding Achievement
Centre (ICC) in Birmingham. Award’, gave a very emotional
And what an inspired choice acceptance speech (see his
this proved to be, with over 500 ‘60 Second Interview’ in this
guests gathered from across the magazine).
whole industry commenting Some of the ‘Brand Of The
enthusiastically on the venue, Year’ awards went to interesting
6 BOSS TODAY | December 2013/January 2014
Boss Breifing.indd 2 02/12/2013 09:53