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                                                                         You can be


       EVENTS                    CHARITY
       A hundred CEOs attended the   The BOSS Benevolent Fund has   with PRO-DESIGN
       BOSS CEO Conference at the BOSS   raised over £50,000 this year to
       Members’ Day. Guest speaker Sir   benefit those who have worked
       Clive Woodward OBE explained   in the industry but now need our
       how, as Head Coach, he had   support. Thanks to our members,
       motivated the England rugby   we have also sent a container of
       squad to win the World Cup in   educational products to Southern
       2003.                     Sudan in support of Comic
         We listened to members’ views   Relief. This has made a significant
       and moved the BOSS Awards   difference to thousands of children
       evening to the ICC in Birmingham   in Africa, and we are collecting
       and, in doing so, significantly   donations again in 2014 for this
       reduced the overall cost for   excellent project.
       members to attend. The event was
       a great success, both for the Award   NEXT YEAR
       winners and for the 500 guests who   The industry is facing dramatic
       attended, with networking going   changes and challenges over
       on well into the night.   the next five years, with major
         In addition to the regional golf   rationalisation and restructuring
       days and black tie dinners, we are   ahead. The pace of change is
       trialling a number of successful   accelerating: many traditional
       regional events, such as the murder   stationery products will be
       mystery night in Birmingham and   eclipsed by new product groups;
       the directors’ lunches in the London   new companies and business
       and Eastern region.       models such as Amazon will
                                 significantly change the structure
       INDUSTRY INFORMATION      of the industry; how the ‘Millenials’
       TO MEMBERS                manage their work and home
       The industry is going through   balance - and how they use new   High whiteness
       ever-increasing change with   technology - will change the
       new products, new companies,   way the market is structured. The   Sharper contrast printing
       integration, profitability and cost   current supply chain is costly and   Vivid colours
       reduction being a top priority for   will have to evolve quickly to meet
       every company. At BOSS we have   the new challenges.          Excellent printability
       agreed with GfK a free top level   The BOSS Federation has also
       report on the income and volume   had to change to support the   Available carbon captured
       of the main product groups in the   evolving needs of the industry: we
       industry. This will give monthly   will continue to innovate and also
       trends on value and volume with   introduce new initiatives and added
       monthly, quarterly and annual   value services to help our members
       comparisons - vital information for   through these challenging times.
       making strategic business plans.
         BOSS have also introduced a
       quarterly BOSS Outlook report                           
       giving information on the state of
       the industry, output and orders,
       business confidence, capacity,
       employment, prices, costs, stock,
       margins, profits, productivity,
       financing, credit control, pay
       reviews, public sector, EOS, paper                        Visit or contact
       and the state of the economy                         for
       generally. A ‘must read’ for all CEOs   Michael Gardner, BOSS CEO
       in the industry.               more information

                                                                                      December 2013/January 2014 | BOSS TODAY  5

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