Page 12 - BOSS Today Issue 20
P. 12
BOSS Awards Review
Professional of the year THE
GROUND Eoffice2office for 10 years to enter for this Award was
As Emily explains, her decision
mily has been with
now, having originally joined
encouraged both by Managing
BREAKER Banner as a Marketing Assistant Director Richard Costin, but also
in November 2003 after
by BOSS and the BPIF: “I am doing
graduating from Loughborough
University. By 2008 she had a Level 5 Graduate Management
Programme, arranged by the BPIF
Professional Of The Year: risen to Sales & Marketing and funded by the government.
It’s a two year course covering
Manager for the company’s new
Emily Jones, Head of ‘Closed Loop’, document services business, a range of areas and skills,
and last year was promoted utilising workshops and personal
office2office. to Divisional Manager for mentors. I would absolutely
office2office’s groundbreaking recommend it to anyone,
‘Closed Loop’ system, with a because what I have learned
team of six assisting her to has already been invaluable in
promote it. Such has been her enabling me to look at how I
success that more than 50% work as a manager and how I
of office2office’s customers are can help others in management
now using the system, after a roles.”
standing start in 2010.
However, despite her rapid
career progression - and
newly-developed management
skills - Emily still admits to
being ‘shocked’ at winning the
Professional Of The Year Award.
“I felt absolute elation, and
apparently I was smiling like the
Cheshire Cat all evening! But I’ve
always worked hard to help the
company make ‘Closed Loop’ a
success, so to have this kind of
recognition means the world
to me.” Indeed, Emily was very
impressed by the whole event:
“I really enjoyed it: the location
this year was really good, people
were enjoying themselves,
and the whole package was
fantastic. The BOSS Awards is a
great forum to catch up with old
friends and meet new ones.”
Looking ahead, Emily is
committed to working hard to
continue the success of ‘Closed
Loop’: “I’m a firm believer in
the concept, and I can only
see more diversification and
opportunities for it.”
12 BOSS TODAY | December 2013/January 2014
p12 Emily.indd 2 02/12/2013 09:38